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第1章旅游消费行为的心理背景 第2章 知觉、学习与旅游消费行为 第3章 需要、动机与旅游消费行为 第4章 个性、态度与旅游消费行为 第5章 旅游服务的心理环境 第6章 旅游服务各阶段心理的纵向分析 第7章 旅游服务具体环节心理的横向分析 第8章 专业旅游服务的心理要求 第9章 旅游从业人员心理素质要求 第10章 旅游企业员工心理及行为管理 第11章 员工的群体心理 第12章 领导与管理激励
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一、可分离变量的微分方程 二、齐次微分方程 三、一阶线性微分方程 四、伯努利方程 五、全微分方程
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1 The How, When, and Why of Mathematics Spotlight: George Polya Tips on Doing Homework 2 Logically Speaking 3 Introducing the Contrapositive and Converse 4 Set Notation and Quantifiers Tips on Quantification 5 Proof Techniques Tips on Definitions …… 10 Relations Tips on Reading Mathematics 11 Partitions Tips on Putting It All Together 12 Order in the Reals 13 Consequences of the Completeness of R Tips: You Solved ItNow What? 14 Functions, Domain, and Range Spotlight: The Definition of Function 15 Functions, One-to-One, and Onto 16 Inverses 17 Images and Inverse Images Spotlight: Minimum or Infimum? 18 Mathematical Induction 19 Sequences 20 Convergence of Sequences of Real Numbers 21 Equivalent Sets 22 Finite Sets and an Infinite Set 23 Countable and Uncountable Sets 24 The Cantor–Schroder–Bernstein Theorem Spotlight: The Continuum Hypothesis ……
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The first three chapters cover the standard material on sets, relations, and functions and algorithms. Next come chapters on logic, counting, and probability. We then have three chapters on graph theory: graphs, directed graphs, and binary trees. Finally there are individual chapters on properties of the integers, languages, machines, ordered sets and lattices, and Boolean algebra, and appendices on vectors and matrices, and algebraic systems. The chapter on functions and algorithms includes a discussion of cardinality and countable sets, and complexity. The chapters on graph theory include discussions on planarity, traversability, minimal paths, and Warshall’s and Huffman’s algorithms. We emphasize that the chapters have been written so that the order can be changed without difficulty and without loss of continuity
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本书共分五章,前两章给出群论方面的题解422个,后三章给出环与域方面的题解394个。这些题目大体上包括了通行的近世代数的内容。当然,也有少数题目稍深人一些,其中也吸收了作者在群、环、域方面所发表的一些论文成果。 第一章 群 第二章 儿类特殊的群和子群 第三章 环和域 第四章 几类特殊的环 第五章 域的扩张
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本书是与《近世代数(第二版)》(杨子胥编著)配套的学习辅导书。本书与主教材平行,按节编写,分为三部分:内容提要、释疑解难、习题解答。最后一章给出关于群、环、域的数学史简介。 第一章 基本概念 第二章 群 第三章 正规子群和群的同态与同构 第四章 环与域 第五章 惟一分解整环 第六章 域的扩张 第七章 有关历史资料
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An Introduction to Model Building Basic Linear Algebra Introduction to Linear Programming The Simplex Algorithm and Goal Programming Sensitivity Analysis: An Applied Approach Sensitivity Analysis and Duality Transportation, Assignment, and Transshipment Problems Network Models Integer Programming Advanced Topics in Linear Programming Nonlinear Programming Review of Calculus and Probability Decision Making under Uncertainty Game Theory Deterministic EOQ Inventory Models Probabilistic Inventory Models Markov Chains Deterministic Dynamic Programming Probabilistic Dynamic Programming Queuing Theory
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List of Theorems, Lemmas, and Corollaries xix Preface xxi CHAPTER 1 Counting 1 CHAPTER 2 Cryptography and Number Theory 59 CHAPTER 3 Reflections on Logic and Proof 117 CHAPTER 4 Induction, Recursion, and Recurrences 161 CHAPTER 5 Probability 249 CHAPTER 6 Graphs 359 APPENDIX A Derivation of the More General Master Theorem 449 APPENDIX B Answers and Hints to Selected Problems 461 Bibliography 477 Index 479
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1 The Role of Algorithms in Computing 2 Getting Started 3 Growth of Functions 4 Divide-and-Conquer 5 Probabilistic Analysis and Randomized Algorithms 6 Heapsort 7 Quicksort 8 Sorting in Linear Time 9 Medians and Order Statistics 10 Elementary Data Structures 11 Hash Tables 12 Binary Search Trees 13 Red-Black Trees 14 Augmenting Data Structures 15 Dynamic Programming 16 Greedy Algorithms 17 Amortized Analysis 18 B-Trees 19 Fibonacci Heaps 20 van Emde Boas Trees 21 Data Structures for Disjoint Sets 22 Elementary Graph Algorithms 23 Minimum Spanning Trees 24 Single-Source Shortest Paths 25 All-Pairs Shortest Paths 26 Maximum Flow 27 Multithreaded Algorithms 28 Matrix Operations 29 Linear Programming 30 Polynomials and the FFT 31 Number-Theoretic Algorithms 32 String Matching 33 Computational Geometry 34 NP-Completeness 35 Approximation Algorithms
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