Progress reports are essential Often part of Provide precise scheduled deliverables technical description Maintain contact with of work as project funding Sources develops and/or industry partners, and changes
Quick review 1. Show the reader what s/he needs to see 2. Plan the sequence and directionality 3. Think about the focal point of the graphic 4. Integrate labels units of measurement. and information
Experiment Step Experiment produces \raw data? In measured units(volts, seconds, Ibs, .... Organization determined by recording method (notebook, tabular form, database,....) · Take data early to check-out- experiment Do some \quick data reduction/analysis\ during
Why search (and cite) the literature of your field? Credibility: To be sure that your work is based on current, sound researchthe-- best in your field. Focus: To be able to place your work in context. Efficiency: To be sure that you're not duplicating work