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一、衍射现象 波遇到障碍物时,绕过障碍物进入几何阴影区。 光偏离直线传播路径进入几何阴影区,并形成光强非均匀稳定分布(见下页图)
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薛定谔方程及其应用 微观粒子的基本属性不能用经典语言确切表达, “波粒二象性”借用经典语言进行互补性描述。 对微观客体的数学描述可以脱离日常生活经验,避免 借用经典语言引起的表观矛盾。 量子力学包含一套计算规则及对数学程式的物理解 释,是建立在基本假设之上的构造性理论,其正确 性由实践检验
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第四节 理想气体中的统计规律 第四节 理想气体中的统计规律及其应用
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2.1 scalar and vector quantities 1. scalar Physical concepts that require only one numerical quantity for their complete specification are scalar quantities. 2. vector Vector quantities require for their complete specification a positive quantity, called the magnitude of the vector and the direction otice:Not all things with a magnitude and direction are vectors
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Chapter 3 Kinematics I: rectilinear motion Motion implies change, and it is change make life-and physics-visible and interesting. Kinematics is the theory about the description of motion. Physical theories are creations of the human intellect; they must be invented rather than discovered
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1. Which of the following processes must violate the first law of thermodynamics?(There may be more than one answer!) ()W>0, 0, (C)W>0, 0, and AEint0,g>0,andEint<0
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1. Which type of ideal gas will have the largest value for C-Cp? (D) (A)Monatomic (B)Diatomic (C)Polyatomic (D)The value will be the same for all. Solution: The difference between the molar specific heat at constant pressure and that at constant volume is
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第四节理想气体中的统计规律及其应用(续) 三.能均分定律理想气体内能 各种平均能量按自由度均分 1.模型的改进 推导压强公式:理想气体分子质点
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一、角动量 问题:将一绕通过质心的固定轴转动的圆盘视为一个质点系, 则由于该系统质心速度为零,所以,系统总动量为零。但系统有 机械运动。说明不能用动量来量度转动物体的机械运动量
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