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40.1 Grounding, Shielding, and Filtering John M. Roman Grounding.Shielding.Filtering Telematics 40.2 Spectrum, Specifications, and Measurement Techniques Martin A. Uman Procedures University of Florida, Gainesville
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38.1 Wire Short Dipole. Directivity. Magnetic Dipole.Input Impedance. Arbitrary Wire Antennas. Resonant Half-Wavelength N.J.Kolias Antenna. End Loading. Arrays of Wire Antennas. Analysis of General Arrays. Arrays of Identical Elements Equally Spaced Raytheon Company
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36.1Magnetism Static Magnetic Fields- Time-Dependent Electric and Magnetic Fields. Magnetic Flux Density. Relative Permeabilities.Forces on a Moving Charge. Time-Varying Magnetic Fields Maxwe Equations-Dia- and Paramagnetism. Ferromagnetism and Geoffrey Bate Ferrimagnetism. Intrinsic Magnetic Properties.Extrinsic
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34.1 Introduction 34.2 Design Entry 34.3 Synthesis 34.4 Verification Timing Analysis. Simulation.Analog Simulation.Emulation 34.5 Physical Design
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32.1 D/ and A/D Circuits D/A and A/D Converter Performance Criteria.D/A Conversion Processes. D/A Converter ICs A/D Conversion Processes.A/D Susan A.R. Garrod Purdue University Converter ICs Grounding and Bypassing on D/A and A/D
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30.1 Power Semiconductor Devices Thyristor and Triac. Gate Turn-Off Thyristor(GTO). Reverse- Conducting Thyristor(RCT) and Asymmetrical Silicon-Controlled Rectifier (ASCR). Power Transistor Power MOSFET. Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT). MOS Controlled
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28.1 Large Signal Analysis DC Operating Point. Graphical Approach.Power Amplifiers Gordon. Carpenter 28.2 Small Signal Analysis California State University. Hybrid-Pi Equivalent Circuit. Hybrid-Pi Equivalent Circuit of a Long Beach
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26.1Introduction 26.2 Definition and Considerations Considerations in the Implementation of SMT 26.3 SMT Design, Assembly, and Test Overview
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一位职业炒家,入行初期屡战屡败,输得一干二净的噩梦,一再重演,最后成功地将一个 三万美元的户口,变成八千万美元;基金经理能人所不能,五年之内,年年丰收,每年收益均 以三位数字增长;美国小市镇的炒家,从小做起,成为世界上最大的债券买卖专家;以证券分 析开始,从事炒卖,七年之内每月均赚取25%,亦即是每年盈利1千4百巴仙;在工具股票指 数市场,麻省理工学院的工程师,以电脑程序入市买卖,十六年后赚取二十五万巴仙
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59 Conventional Power Generation G.G. Karady Fossil Power Plants. Nuclear Power Plants. Geothermal Power Plants. Hydroelectric Power Plants
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