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1范围 本方法适用于地面水、饮用水、污水、电子电镀、生化等一般工业废水中NO3N的测 定。 本方法的检出限为0.21mg/LNO3-N。线性测量范围为1.00~1000mg/lno3-n 试验了sO2、pO4、Cr、Br、I、Ac、HCO3、CO32、C2O42、nO2、s2、+、nH4、 A13+、Ca2+、Mg2+、Zn2+、Cu2+、Pb2、Fe2+、Fe+对测定的干扰,其中s2、r明显干扰,Br 大于57倍,NO2大于32倍,C大于250倍时有干扰,其他均无干扰
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18.1 Special Architectures Pipelining. Parallel Processing. Retiming. Unfolding. ia Folding Transformation Look-Ahead Technique. Associativity Transformation. Distributivity Arithmetic Processor Architectures. Computer-Aided Design. Future VLSI DSP Systems Keshab K. Parhi 18.2 Signal Processing Chips and Applications University of Minnesota System. Implementation of a Finite Impulse Response Filter with Rulph Chassaing the TMS320C25. Floating-Point TMS320C30-Based Development Roger Williams University
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20.1 Definitions and Scope Introduction. Definitions and Style of Computation. ANN Types and Applications 20.2 Multilayer Perceptrons Function of Each PE. How to Train MLPs Applying Back- Propagation in Practice. A Posteriori Probabilities 20.3 Radial Basis Function Networks 20.4 Time Lagged Networks Memory Structures. Training-Focused TLN Architectures
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一、单选题 1、如图,在绝热盛水容器中,浸入电阻丝,通电一段时间,通电后水及电阻丝的温度均略有升高,今以电阻丝为体系有:() 绝热 A.W=0,Q0 C.W0 D.W0
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一、矩阵的秩的概念 矩阵的秩是矩阵的一个重要数值特征,是研究矩阵的重要概念.为了建立矩阵的秩的概念,先给出矩阵的子式的定义.在mxn矩阵A中,任取k行与k列
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The aim of this chapter is to identify the important factors in food product development to be studied in detail in the succeeding chapters. Firstly the different groups of food products are identified as a basis for organising product strategy. Then the published research on the factors in product failure and product success in all types of industries is used to identify the key factors in food product development. This leads into the management of product development at three different levels:
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1.掌握sp2杂化的特点,形成π键的条件以及π键的特性。 2.握烯烃的命名方法,了解次序规则的要点及Z/E命名法。 3.掌握烯烃的重要反应(加成反应、氧化反应、a-H的反应)
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令R代表所有m个实数x=(x2,…,x)组成的空 间,x也称为Rm的点.x(i=1,2,…,m)称为x点的坐 标.在R的任两点x与y之间可以引进一度量 |x-y={(x-y)2+…+(xm-ym)2,(111) 称为欧氏度量.于是可由此定义Rm的一拓扑 设V是R中的开集,映照fV→把V映入R的 一子集.设x∈V映为∈V,表示为 x→=f(x) 于是x的坐标x与x的坐标x(a=1,…,n)之间有一函 数关系:
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1-1试以千卡/摩尔为单位,计算相应于以下各值的能 量:(a)240毫微米,(b)480毫微米,(c)6.1微米,(d12.2 微米,(e)1700厘米1,()3400厘米一和(g)34,000厘米-1 解:若以千卡/摩尔为单位,则能量可按如下简单公式计 算
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4.4.1变配电系统监控 (1)监控管理功能 A.检测运行参数,为正常运行时的计量管理、事故发生时的故障原因分析提供数据。 B.监视电气设备运行状态,并提供电气主接线图开关状态画面;如发现故障,自动报警,并显示故障位置、相关电压、电流数值等
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