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Oblique cross-section flexural members of the mechanical characteristics and failure modes. Oblique section of bending members the main factor for shear strength. Flexural oblique shear strength formula for conditions. Such a high degree of web reinforcement beams of the preliminary design steps. Resisting moment mapping. Check all of bearing capacity and structural requirements. Construction oblique shear strength calculations
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With a longitudinal axis of steel stirrups and the general failure mode of compression members, bearing capacity; Longitudinal and spiral reinforcement with stirrups failure modes of axial The concept of stability factor and its influencing factors; Analysis of the core concrete strength and strength calculation; Ordinary hoops column, spiral column reinforcement stirrup features and construction requirements
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Computation of Stress, Crack width and Reflection of RC Flexural Members  Characteristics of use of reinforced concrete beam during the calculation.  The concept of transformed section and the geometric characteristics.  The stress state of reinforced concrete short-term checking.  Flexural members of the cracks and the maximum width of crack.  Deformation of flexural members.  Durability of concrete structures
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bias components are the mechanical characteristics of cross sections and two failure modes, Boundaries and determine the size of bias conditions; Familiar with eccentric compression of the second-order effect and calculation; Eccentric rectangular cross-section bearing capacity of compression members is calculated, Including the formula, the formula of the applicable conditions of reinforcement and non-symmetrical Design and reinforcement of the cross-section symmetrical cross section for review; I-shaped, T shaped eccentric compression AND CIVIL ENGINEERING Calculation method; Circular section eccentric compression member cross section design and review; Eccentric compression reinforcement of the structure and reasonable layout requirements
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一、地形、地貌和水体 二、园路与广场设计 三、园林建筑与小品设计 四、园林植物种植设计 五、园林规划设计程序
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3.1 极限状态 3.2 按近似概率的极限状态设计方法 3.3 实用设计表达式
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一、新风在洁净室空调系统中的作用令人满意的因此笔者认为要确保吸必 新风和新风量问题即使是在一般性空调要的、稳定的新风量,便必须采用专门的新风 系统中也是一个不容忽视的问题,在净化空风机供送新风才行。这时,风机即起到某种 调工程中,这一问题将显得更加重要。具体计量泵的作用
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园林艺术是园林学体系中一个主干学科,是研究园林创 作理论的学科。 建国以来我国的城市绿化,园林建设有了很大的发 展。高等院校也曾设立园林专业,培养园林绿化方面的 技术人才,开设了有关的主要课程,如园林史、园林规划 设计园林工程、园林植物、植物造景设计、园林建筑等
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试验五 实验题目:建筑工程拓扑排序问题建造一座办公楼,需要进行选择设计单位、楼房总体设计等活动(参见下表)。选择地点需要在建造地基之前完成,打地基必须在建造楼房、楼房封顶和内部装修之前完成
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风动力下结构必然产生响应。一般情况 下,由于结构阻尼的存在,响应到达最大值 后又返回从而形成来回振动,虽然风力愈大, 但总是返回形成振动。但在某些情况下,风 力中产生负阻尼成分,如果风速到达某临届 值时,负阻尼大于结构的正阻尼,此时运动 向一个方向愈演愈烈而不返回,直至破坏, 产生空气动力失稳式效应。此时的风速,称 为临界风速,这种现象风工程中称为驰振或 颤震(弯扭耦合)
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