例题2-5求例题2-4中所示薄壁圆环在内压力 b p=2MPa作用下的径向应变和圆环直径的改变量。 已知材料的弹性模量E=210GPa p 解:在例题2-4中已经求出圆环在任一横截面 上的正应力=40MPa,若正应力不超过材料的比 例极限,则可按公式(2-6)算出沿正应力方向 (a) (即沿圆周方向)的线应变为
Eukaryotic Chromosomes are composed of DNA, Histone and Nonhistone Proteins Histones: H1 H2A. H2 B, H3, H4. The later 4 form nucleosomes(100 A)and thus called core histones. H1 plays a role in forming 300 A superhelix Histones are rich in basic amino acids Nonhistone proteins play a variety of functions
Eco514 Game Theory Problem Set 2: Due Thursday, October 14 Recall the following definitions: in any model M=(, (Ti, a: )eN), Ri is the event \Player i is rational\; R ien. Also, (E) is the event \Player i is certain that E is true\ and(E) NieN B (). This is as in Lecture 7