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Cash Management: Collection, Disbursement, and Investment Credit and Receivables Inventory Management Inventory Management Techniques
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The Balance Sheet The Income Statement Taxes Cash Flow
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Tracing Cash and Net Working Capital The Operating Cycle and the Cash Cycle Some Aspects of Short-Term Financial Policy The Cash Budget Short-Term Borrowing A Short-Term Financial Plan
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Cash Dividends and Dividend Payment Does Dividend Policy Matter? Establishing a Dividend Policy Stock Repurchase: AAlternative to Cash Dividends Stock Dividends and Stock Splits
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The Capital Structure Question The Effect of Financial Leverage Capital Structure and the Cost of Equity Corporate Taxes and Capital Structure Bankruptcy Costs Optimal Capital Structure Observed Capital Structures A Quick Look at the Bankruptcy Process
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第三章决策 教学内容 第一节、决策的基本理论 第二节、决策方法 第三节、案例分析、思考与作业题
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中国人民大学:《环境管理体制分析》课程教学资源(教学大纲)Analysis of Environment Administration system
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