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CHECKIN 1、你的姓名? 2、你的工作? 3、你对本课的期望? 4、其他你想说的话
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人员调配 经主管部门决定而改变人员的工作岗位职务、工作单位或 隶属关系的人事变动
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Changes in the Nature of Work The Interweaving of Technology and Jobs Changes in the Design of Jobs (there will be no stable jobs in the future Integration of Contingent Workers into the Workforce Increased Emphasis on Continuous Learning
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1、挑战 环境变化 工作的变化
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Strategic Human Resource Management SHRM is the linking of HRM with strategic goals and objectives in order to improve business performance and develop organizational cultures that foster innovation and flexibility
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4.1 Lattice ispEXPERT 操作指南 4.2 Altera MAX+plus II操作指南 4.3 Xilinx Foundation操作指南
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第一节 固相反应动力学方程 第二节 影响固相反应的因素
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主要内容 1.管理的定义 2.管理的基本特性 3.管理的科学性与艺术性 4.学习管理的作用
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