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实习时间:2003年1月20日~2003年3月21日 2003年1月20日上午学术交流馆岗前教育 2003年1月20日下午科室报到
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患者,女,40岁。左耳阻塞感、眩晕2小时就诊。患者2小时前,无 明显诱因,在工作中突然觉左耳阻塞感,片刻后觉视物天旋地转感,恶心、 呕吐一次,为胃内容物,全身出汗,平卧后症状稍有缓解,但不敢睁眼, 被车送我院急诊
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Noninflammatory Diseases ofthe labyrinth Primary involvement of the cochlea, vestibular apparatus, or the eighth cranial nerve with spread to the contiguous structures is characteristic of this group of diseases. Unfortunately, the common involvement of the vestibular labyrinth and its widespread central
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分泌性中耳炎( secretory otitis media),是以鼓室积液及传导性聋为主要特征的中耳非化脓 性疾病。又名卡他性中耳炎等。可分为急、慢性两种,为小儿常见病
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OTITIS MEDIA Guangzhou medical college Second Affiliated Hospital Otolaryngology Ouyang shunlin The most important disease of the middle ear and mastoid are inflammations of various kinds and hearing loses. Tumors of the middle ear are rare. In this chapter we ll mainly discussed acute
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1.掌握急性中耳炎的临床表现 2.掌握慢性中耳炎的分型、临床表现、及各型的鉴别 3.熟悉慢性中耳炎的治疗原则及治疗方法 4.掌握耳源性并发症的诊断要点及颅内外并发症的名称
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