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PPH是分娩期的严重并发症,造成孕产妇死 亡的主要原因,在世界上发展中国家大约有 28%的孕产妇死于产后出血。也就是说,每年 有12.5万名产妇因此而死亡 ↓据我国孕产妇死亡监测研究协作组报道, 产后出血造成的孕产妇死亡率为34.1/10万, 占我国目前孕产妇死亡的首位
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产前保健包括对孕妇的定期产前检查,指导孕 期营养和用药,出现异常情况及时处理,使孕 妇正确认识妊娠,消除不必要的顾虑;对胎儿 宫内情况的监护等,是贯彻预防为主、及早发 现高危妊娠、保障孕妇及胎儿健康和安全分娩 的必要措施
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病毒性肝炎是妊娠妇女肝病和黄疸最常见的原因。目前 已经确定肝炎病毒有5种:甲型(HAV)、乙型(HBV) 丙型(HCV)、丁型(HDV)、戊型(HEV)。妊娠任 何时期都有被肝炎病毒感染的可能,其中乙型肝炎病毒 感染最常见
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定义 Definition 正常胎盘附着于子宫体的后壁、 前壁或侧壁。若胎盘附着于子 宫下段,甚至胎盘下缘达到或 覆盖宫颈内口处,其位置低于 胎ㄦ先露部,称为前置胎盘
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Definition Abruptio Placentae( placental abruption): premature separation of the normally implanted placenta from the uterine wall
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General Consideration Antenatal cardiovascular changes Blood volume increase by 40%-60%0 Peaking at 32-34 weeks the expansion in plasma volume is greater than that expansion of red cell mass Cardiac output Increase by 40%6-50% Peaking at 20-24 weeks
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General Consideration Definition The separation of the placenta from its site of implantation after 20 weeks of gestation or during the course of delivery Frequency 0.51%0-2.33%(our country) 1%o(other countries) Incidence of fetal death
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一、定义分娩及产褥期生殖道受病原体感染,引起的局部或全身的炎症变化 二、产褥病率 puerperal morbidity):分娩24小时后的10天内,用口表每日测量体温4次,2次大于等于38度
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异常分娩的诊治要点 1产前诊断 2产时诊断 3注重病因学诊断
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1. Different periods of Female Neonatal period:≤4 weeks childhood: 4 weeks to age of 12 adolescence: menarche age of 12-17 sexual maturity: begain 18. maintains for 30 years Operi-menopausal period: begain 40, maintains for 10-20 years pre-menopause, menopause (last time of menorrhae post-menopause
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