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§6.1 压注模的类型及特点 §6.2液压机工艺参数的校核 §6.3 压注模的设计和制造 §6.4 压注模的典型结构 §6.5 压注模制造的特点
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一、采集信息的情报职能 二、判断决策的参谋职能 三、传播、沟通的宣传职能 四、对外交往的交际职能 五、解决纠纷的协调职能 六、鲜花铺路的促销职能 七、造福社会的服务职能
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Objectives This unit deals with basic telephoning skills and also receiving and noting down messages. Students are given a chance to discuss and develop their telephone techniques and practice making different kinds of business calls. The functions of requesting, offering help and asking permission are also introduced and practiced in this unit
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objectives This unit deals with how to take notes in business contexts, how to summarize conversations and how to plan and write reports. It's a unit which can be used either as an introduction for students with little experience in report- and summary writing
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一 、组织大型活动的技巧 (一)旅游企业大型活动的种类 1、服务性公共关系专题活动 围绕两个方面进行: 1、围绕客人进行 2、围绕社会服务进行
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一、二进制数字信号的调制解调技术 二、多相调制技术MPSK 三、各种调制技术的信道频带利用率和误码 四、性能比较
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一、数字传输的基带理论 二、PCM信号的再生中继及传输性能分析 三、传输码型设计原则及常用码型 四、差错控制编码的控制方式和原理
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一、信道分类及信道特性分析 二、数字微波通信系统 三、数字卫星通信系统 四、数字光纤通信系统
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Objectives When the learners finish learning this unit, they should be able to deal with problems and clients when placing orders (and trying to rectify them) complain and apologize know how to use present progressive tense to describe future arrangements
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A. What do you say? This is controlled review of the main functional language points from the previous four units. 1. Introduce the activity; ask learners how to make a prediction to elicit what they remember. 2. Alone or in pairs, learners match the remaining functions to the actual words. 3. Check their answers and then elicit alternatives for each function
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