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变分方法思想: 取不同的态v),计算(E)=mv),其中最小的(E)最接近Eo,可近似看成基态能E
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宇宙万物是由哪些基本物质构成的呢?人类从上 古时代起就开始了关于物质结构的探讨 到20世纪初卢瑟福根据a粒子衍射现象提出了“含 核的原子模型” 1913年波尔提出了核外电子分层排布的波尔理论 直到20世纪30年代,以微观粒子波粒二象性为 基础发展起来的量子力学,才建立了比较符合微观 世界实际的物质结构近代理论
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Nobel Lecture, June 2, 1920 The genesis and present state of development of the quantum theory If i take it correctly that the duty imposed upon me today is to give a public lecture on my writings, then i believe that this task, the importance of which i am well aware through the gratitude felt towards the noble-minded founder of our Foundation, cannot be more suitably fulfilled than by my trying to give you the story of the origin of the quantum theory in broad outlines and to couple with this, a picture in a small frame of the development of this theory up
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When in 1920 I resumed my studies of theoretical physics which had long been interrupted by circumstances beyond my control, I was far from the idea that my studies would bring me several years later to receive such a higl and envied prize as that awarded by the Swedish Academy of Sciences each year to a scientist: the Nobel Prize for Physics. What at that time drew me towards theoretical physics was not the hope that such a high distinction
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在许多工程技术领域(如电磁场理论、量子力学、固体物理、材 料物理、流体力学等)经常遇到复变量的函数.复变函数理论研究复 变量之间的对应关系,它是实变函数理论在复数域中的推广,因此两 者之间有许多相近之处,这有助于我们学习比较,但在学习中更要注 意它们之间的不同之处.本章主要讨论复变函数的一些基本概念
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第1章 波粒二象性 第2章 薛定谔方程 第3章 原子中的电子 第4章 固体中的电子 第5章 粒子物理简介 §1.1 黑体辐射(和普朗克的能量子假说) §1.2 光电效应(和爱因斯坦的光量子论) §2.1 薛定谔(得出的波动)方程 §2.2 无限深方势阱中的粒子 §2.3 势垒穿透 §2.4 谐振子 §3.1 氢原子 §3.5 x射线 §3.6 激光 §3.7 分子的转动和振动能级
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用 Mathematica V44.0系统的指令,对应的计算过程可表述为: MATHEMATICA V4.0
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一.选择题 1.金属的光电效应的红限依赖于 (A)入射光的频率(B)入射光的强度 (C)金属的逸出功(D)入射光的频率和金属的逸出功
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