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#include void maino printf(\l---a=%d, x=%f\\n\, a, x); X 将a的值赋给b后,a自加1*/
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Dynamic programming Design technique, like divide-and-conquer Example: Longest Common Subsequence (LCs) Given two sequences x[l.. m] and yll.n], find a longest subsequence common to them both a' not the
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一、拉格朗日多项式 Lagrange Polynomial 求n次多项式P(x)=a0+a1x+…+anx\使得
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一、插值问题 给定函数f(x)在区间a,b]上的一组n+1个不同的点 a≤x
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1.证明由n个元素组成的集合T={a1,a2,…,an}有2个子集。 解由k个元素组成的子集的个数为Cn,c=(1+1)=2
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由mn个数排成m行n列的数表称为矩阵,记作 A.其中aij称作矩阵 A的第i行第 j列的元素.
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1、设a1+(-1) ,n=1,2,…,a=0 n (1)对下列e分别求出极限定义中相应的N E1=0.1,E2=0.01,E3=0.001
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Modular arithmetic – Used to define a finite field – a = b mod n means that if a and b are divided by n they produce the same remainder – a*b mod n can result in 0 even if a and b are not 0
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