Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Preliminary Remarks When you think about it, almost everything on this planet either is a fluid or moves within or near a fluid. -Frank M. White What is a fluid?
Innovations in Risk Management Futures contract a contract to buy or sell a stated commodity or financial claim at a specified price at some specified future time
Why one needs statistics for describing physical phenomena? Any measurable macroscopic property is an average over a very huge number of microscopic configurations. Time scale of thermal fluctuations and basic relaxations~fs(femto second, 10-15 second). During the time interval necessary for realizing a measurement, a macroscopic system undergoes the change of its microscopic configuration for many many times!
Chapter 11 Topics o Meaning of a Structured Data Type Declaring and Using a struct Data Type & C++ union Data Type s Meaning of an Abstract Data Type Declaring and Using a class Data Type Using Separate Specification and Implementation Files
Force Force is a kind of mechanical action between different objects, it tends to change the shape, volume or movement state of the object with a force upon it. Force is a vector quantity, and thus possesses both magnitude and direction; it can be represented by an arrow whose length specifies the magnitude and whose
I. Vocabulary and Structure 1. You ought to go out without a raincoat on such a rainy day [A]make better than [B]know better than [C]get the best out of []have the best of
Part I. Vocabulary and Structure(30%): 1 who lays down his life for his country. A)There is no so greater love as that of a man B)There is no as greater love as that of a man