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Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Preliminary Remarks When you think about it, almost everything on this planet either is a fluid or moves within or near a fluid. -Frank M. White What is a fluid?
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1.一调光台灯由单相交流调压电路供电,设该台灯可看成电阻负载,在a=0°时输出功率为最大值,试求功率为最大输出功率的80%、50%时的开通角a 2.一单相交流调压器,电源为工频220V,阻感串连作为负载,其中R=0.5Q,L=2mH试求:①开通角a的变化范围;②负载电流的最大有效值③最大输出功率及此时电源侧的功率因数
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● 掌握管理学基本原理与基本方法 ● 掌握企业管理和方面的内容 ● 了解管理基本的方法在实践中应用 ● 应用一般的管理理论和方法处理实践中问题 第一篇 管理学基本原理 ● 管理学概述 ● 管理的计划职能 ● 管理的组织职能 ● 领导与激励 ● 控制 第二篇 企业战略管理 企业战略管理是从企业经营管理的全局和未来发展出发来研究有关企业的生存和发展问题。这部分理论主要围绕着企业战略管理的过程展开的,包括企业战略分析、战略制定、战略实施和战略控制等。本章将围绕着这一过程而展开,它包括以下三个内容: 第六章 企业战略管理概述 a. 企业战略的特征与重要性 b. 企业战略的构成要素与层次 c. 企业战略管理的内容 第七章 企业战略分析 a. 企业外部环境分析 b. 企业内部条件分析 第八章 企业战略方案 a. 企业使命与战略目标决策 b. 企业的一般战略 c. 企业的成长战略 d. 国际化经营战略
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Innovations in Risk Management Futures contract a contract to buy or sell a stated commodity or financial claim at a specified price at some specified future time
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Why one needs statistics for describing physical phenomena? Any measurable macroscopic property is an average over a very huge number of microscopic configurations. Time scale of thermal fluctuations and basic relaxations~fs(femto second, 10-15 second). During the time interval necessary for realizing a measurement, a macroscopic system undergoes the change of its microscopic configuration for many many times!
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Chapter 11 Topics o Meaning of a Structured Data Type Declaring and Using a struct Data Type & C++ union Data Type s Meaning of an Abstract Data Type Declaring and Using a class Data Type Using Separate Specification and Implementation Files
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一、1、卖淫嫖娼;2、治安承包责任制;3、了解敌社情、控制社会面;;4、精神病人和醉酒人;5、1—3年;6、不满50元的罚款; 二、C;A;A;A;
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Force Force is a kind of mechanical action between different objects, it tends to change the shape, volume or movement state of the object with a force upon it. Force is a vector quantity, and thus possesses both magnitude and direction; it can be represented by an arrow whose length specifies the magnitude and whose
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I. Vocabulary and Structure 1. You ought to go out without a raincoat on such a rainy day [A]make better than [B]know better than [C]get the best out of []have the best of
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Part I. Vocabulary and Structure(30%): 1 who lays down his life for his country. A)There is no so greater love as that of a man B)There is no as greater love as that of a man
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