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Can programming language influence correctness? anguages affect the way we think about problems The tools we use have a profound(and devious) influence on our thinking habits, and, therefore on our thinking abilities?
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1瞬时水样 2混合水样 3综合水样 1定义(对采样时间和地点的要求 2适用条件(水体、污染物、监测目的
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Reuse (Assume have source code, not a commercial product) Ariane 5. Therac-25. British AtC Expectation Significantly lower development costs and time. Amortize costs among all users or uses Assumptions
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Formal design Reviews Associated with each of documentation phases Evaluate with respect to Customer requirements Prescribed standards and practices Contractual requirements
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State Machine specifications Define behavior using states and transitions between states
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一、 课程的性质和任务 本课程为环境工程专业基础必修课。本课程的任务主要包括:(1)掌握工程 测量的基本概念和应遵循的基本原则;了解水准测量原理,掌握水准仪的使用方 法和误差分析方法;(2)掌握角度测量方法及光学经纬仪的检验与校正方法,掌 握测量误差的基本知识;(3)掌握小地区控制测量方法;掌握测设的基本工作;
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Outline: Software Design Goals History of software design ideas Design principles Design methods Life belt or leg iron?(Budgen)
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第一节 概述 第二节 毒粒的性质 第三节 病毒的复制
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