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§5-1 Basic principle of polarograpy §5-2 Equation of diffusion current A basis of polarographically quantitative analysis §5-3 Halfwave potential —polarographic qualitative analysis §5-4 Interference currents and their removing methods §5-5 Characteristics and disadvantages of polarographic analysis §5-6 Polarographic Catalytic Wave §5-7 Single-sweep polarography(单扫描极谱法) (Oscillographic polarography,示波极谱法) § 5-8 Squar-wave polarography §5-9 Pulse polarography §5-10 Stripping voltammetry §5-11 单指示电极安培滴定(Amperometric titration with single indicating electrode, polarographic titration) §5-12 双指示电极安培滴定(永停滴定) (Dead-stop end point titration) §5- 13 双指示电极电位滴定 (potentiometric titration with double indicating electrodes)
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1.了解保障员工的安全与健康的重要性 2.了解危害员工健康的因素及懂得维护员工健康三 3.懂得协调工作生活压力
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1.为加强污水处理的设备管理、工艺管理和水质管理,保证污水处理安全正常运行,达到净化水质、处理和处置污泥、保护环境的目的,制定本规程。 2.污水处理的运行、维护及其安全除应符合本规程外,尚应符合国家现行有关标准的规定
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本章主要讲解 Windows Server2003服务器安全配置与管理,保证服务器自身安全,提供可靠服务。通过本章学习,读者应该掌握以下知识:
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1. Context 2. The Mechanisms of Privacy Preserving 3. Applications under Differential Privacy 4. Our Current Research Works
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⚫ Context of computer security problem ⚫ Brief summaries of computer security system ⚫ What is IDS? ⚫ Architecture and Classification of IDS ⚫ Intrusion detection techniques ⚫ My current research works ⚫ Questions and answer
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◆计算机科学与技术学科分类 ◆计算机学术组织 ◆研究生阶段学习 ◆学术诚信教育
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密钥管理的简介 密钥的生命周期 公钥证书 密钥分配 密钥协商 密钥托管 密钥分割
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Encoding & Password & Cryptography Related Concepts and Terminology
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