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一、设置业务控制参数 二、核算规则设置
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• 7.1银行借款 • 7.2债券筹资 • 7.3融资租赁 • 7.4短期负债筹资
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Financial forecasting 1) Project sales revenues and expenses
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6.1吸收直接投资 6.2普通股筹资 6.3优先股筹资 6.4留存收益筹资
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一、投资项目风险分析 二、投资项目风险调整
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Innovations in Risk Management Futures contract a contract to buy or sell a stated commodity or financial claim at a specified price at some specified future time
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一、设置会计科目 二、设置凭证类别 三、其他设置
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Term loans Characteristics of Term Loans Secured loans 1-to 10-year maturity Repaid in periodic installments
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Corporate restructuring 1960s- Mergers of unrelated firms formed huge conglomerates 1980s-Investors purchased conglomerates and sold off the pieces as independent companies. 1990s- Strategic mergers of related firms to create synergies
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