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14-1超静定结构解法的分类和比较 14-2基本解法的推广和联合应用
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延安大学:《大学物理》课程教学讲稿(白少民)14-大学物理讲稿(第14章 狭义相对论基础)
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数据存储与文件 I/O 1-8 同步(上) 9-14 同步(下) 14-21 特别篇:模块化仪器 22-26
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第13章 机械波 第14章 波动光学基础
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Chapter 14-Learning objectives Differentiate between nonparametric and parametric hypothesis tests Determine when a nonparametric test should be used instead of its parametric counterpart Appropriately apply each of the nonparametric methods introduced o 2002 The Wadsworth Group
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Ch. 14 Stationary ARMA Process a general linear stochastic model is described that suppose a time series to be generated by a linear aggregation of random shock. For practical representation it is desirable to employ models that use parameters parsimoniously. Parsimony may often be achieved by representation of the linear process in terms of a small number of autoregressive and moving
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四级作文经典句型总结 上升增长 1. add up to增加了 eg. The total amount of .. added up to 14 billion pounds(14%) in 1994. 2. to jump to/ to soar to..一跃达到/猛增到 eg. The total working days lost soared to 10 million in 1979
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Chapter 14 Topics Structured Programming vS Object-Oriented Programming Using Inheritance to Create a New C++ class Type Using Composition( Containment) to Create a New C++ class Type Static vs Dynamic Binding of Operations to Objects
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第14章电工测量 14.1电工测量仪表的分类 14.2电工测量仪表的型式 14.3电流的测量 14.4电压的测量 14.5万用表 14.6功率的测量 14.7兆欧表 14.8用电桥测量电阻、电容与电感 14.9非电量的电测法
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第14章C语言程序设计实例 实例一成绩处理程序 实例二电子词典程序
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