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华南理工大学出版社:《食品生物化学 FOOD BIO-CHEMISTRY》课程教学资源(双语教材)第6章 维生素和辅酶
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附录 A 词汇表 1 酸 p 值小于 7.0 的 化学 物质 2 强酸 在溶液中能释放出高浓度氢离子 并产生低 p 值的 化学 物质 如 盐酸和
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N ow that we're familiar with the structure and preparation of alkenes, let's look at their chemical reactions. The characteristic reaction of alkenes is addition to the double bond according to the general equation:
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this chapter and the next we extend our coverage of conjugated systems to include arenes. Arenes are hydrocarbons based on the benzene ring as a structural unit. Ben- are zene, toluene, and naphthalene, for example, are arenes
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the preceding chapter the special stability of benzene was described, along with reac- tions in which an aromatic ring was present as a substituent. In the present chapter we move from considering the aromatic ring as a substituent to studying it as a functional
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he next several chapters deal with the chemistry of various oxygen-containing functional groups. The interplay of these important classes of compounds-alco- hols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, and derivatives of carboxylic acids-is fundamental to organic chemistry and biochemistry
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华南理工大学出版社:《食品生物化学 FOOD BIO-CHEMISTRY》课程教学资源(双语教材)第27章 人体养生学
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华南理工大学出版社:《食品生物化学 FOOD BIO-CHEMISTRY》课程教学资源(双语教材)第26章 食品中的有害成分
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华南理工大学出版社:《食品生物化学 FOOD BIO-CHEMISTRY》课程教学资源(双语教材)第25章 食品添加剂
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ADDITION TO THE CARBONYL GROUP Idehydes and ketones contain an acyl group RC-bonded either to hydrogen or to another carbon
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