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一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共30分) 1.C2.B3.A4.C5.C6.A7.B8.D9.B 10.B11.D12.B13.B14.B15.A 二、多项选择题(每小题3分,共27分) 1. ABDE 2. ABCD 3. ABE 4. CDE 5.ABDE 6. ABDE 7. ACD 8. ACDE 9. ABD
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Unit Five Text B I. Pre-Reading Task 1.\Intel is the name of a(n A U.S. company B. IBM computer C government department D branch of the Internet 2. China is a country scientists and engineers in terms of computing technology
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Culture means an entire way of life of a society, or of a people. Different cultures have their own patterns of life. It's rather than instinctive behavior. The diversity of culture shows different attitude to ideas of what is beautiful and ways to treat dead bod ies. But it has nothing to do with right or wrong, for it is simply that different people do the some things in different ways
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ECENOMIC S Gross domestic product can be measured Either as(a) a Flow of Final Products or Equivalently, as(b) a Flow of Costs 1-153
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以上仅考虑了单个力学量的测量值和测量几率,两个或两个以上力学量的测量有什关 系? 在任意态v),力学量A的不确定度由方差决定 (△4)=w(a-(4)y)=),其中12=(-(4)y) 力学量B的不确定度由方差决定 (△B)=(B-(8)l)-gg),其中g)(2-)v A,B两个力学量的不确定关系由(④△)(△B)描述
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第四章直线与平面及两平面的相对关系 4-1直线与平面、平面与平面的平行 一、直线与平面相互平行 几何条件:P121 例5-1:图5-1 例:求平面平行于直线CD,(平面过点A) 解:1 过点A,作AM//CD 2 过点A,作AL//CD
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Milk should contain 8.25% milk-solid-not-fat .3.25% milk fat Milk is .. a true solution for salts, lactose, water- soluble vitamins milk is a colloidal dispersion for proteins and some Ca phosphate a dilute emulsion for fat globules
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1.设u=a-b+2c,v=-a+3b-c.试用a、b、c表示2u-3v. 2.如果平面上一个四边形的对角线互相平分,试用向量证明这是平行四边形
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1.设A=(-∞,-5)(5,+∞),B=[-10,3),写出AB,AB,AB及 A(AB)的表达式 2.设A、B是任意两个集合,证明对偶律:(AB)C=ACUB 3.设映射f:X→Y,AcX,BCX.证明 (1)(AB)=()(B); (2)f(b)f()f(B)
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J.Am.Chem.Soc.2001,123,12232-12237 Photochromic Atropisomer Generation and Conformation Determination in a Ruthenium Bis(bipyridine)Phosphonite y-Cyclodextrin System Dusan Hesek, Guy A. Hembury, Michael G. B. Drew, Victor V. Borovkov, and Yoshihisa Inoue*t
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