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石河子大学:《有机化学》课程电子教案课件(药学类专业)第6章 烯烃 Alkenes
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石河子大学:《有机化学》课程电子教案课件(药学类专业)第4章 卤代烃 Alkyl Halides
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第十一章含氮化合物 第一节硝基化合物 一、结构与命名 1.分类:
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§17~1 周环反应的理论 §17~2 电环化反应 §17~3 σ- 键迁移反应 §17~4 环加成反应
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第一节 烷烃的同系列及同分异构现象 第二节 烷烃的命名法 第三节 烷烃的构型 第四节 烷烃的构象
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5. Aromatic Compounds p: 153 Aromatic was used to described some fragrant compounds in early 19th century Not correct: later they are grouped by chemical behavior(unsaturated compounds that undergo substitution rather than addition Current: distinguished from aliphatic compounds by electronic configuration
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Intramolecular Enone-Olefin Photocycloadditions Directed Toward Natural Product Synthesis Travis Dunn DAE Group Friday Afternoon Seminar
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Carbenes are Accessible via Sigmatropic Rearrangement
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1. Type II Diels-Alder II. Radical Reactions A. 5-Exo- and 6-Endo- Ring Formations
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