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北师版_九年级下册_数学教案_2.2 第3课时 二次函数y=a(x-h)2的图象与性质1
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北师版_九年级下册_数学教案_2.2 第4课时 二次函数y=a(x-h)2+k的图象与性质1
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15-6相互垂直谐振动的合成 质点同时参与两个频率相同的分振动: x=acos(t+1) 合成后质点的轨迹方程 + y2 2xy 2' A2 AA cos(2-1)=sin2(2-1)
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回归分析 1.根据经济理论或考察样本数据去设定回 归方程 X…Z Y: dependent variable; independent random error or disturbance term
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Notation : European call C: American Call option option price price p: European put P: American Put option option price price So: Stock price today·Sr:Stock price at time X: Strike price D: Present value of T: Life of option
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例5-2-2用结点法计算图示桁架的内力: 解:(1)求支座反力 由桁架整体平衡∑M1=0∑M3=0得 F8×X8-30×2-30×4-0Fy=225kN(个) F,×8-30×430×6-20×8=0 F1=575kN(个) 由∑F=0校核,满足
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可作为拱内力的计算公式用,特别是在作拱 的内力图时。但须注意以下几点: 1、式(4-2-2)要在以拱的左底铰为原点的平面 直角坐标中应用,并仅考虑了竖向荷载的作用。 2、式中a为所计算K截面外法线n(或K截面处 拱轴切线)与水平x坐标的夹角。如果取a是与水 平方向的锐角考虑,则K截面在左半拱时为正,在 右半拱时为负
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The Question Being Asked in Value at Risk (VaR) \What loss level is such that we are X% confident it will not be exceeded in N business days?\
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第一章 15 (a)The trader sells 100 million yen for $0.0080 per yen when the exchange rate is $0.0074 per yen. The gain is 100x0.0006 millions of dollars or $60,000. ()The trader sells 100 million yen for $0.0080 per yen when the exchange rate is $0.0091 per yen. The loss is 100.0011 millions of dollars or $110,000. 1.6 you could buy 5,000 put options (or 50 contracts)with a strike price of
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第二章小结 2.1误差的基本概念:准确度(T、E、E2) 与精密度、误差与偏差、系统误差与随机 误差; x 2.3有限数据的计处理:、、R、 RR、d、Rd;、、、、CV; 异常值的检验(Q检验法); 2.4测定方法的选择和测定准确度的提高 2.5有效数字:定义、修约规则、运算规则 、报告结果
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