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Lecture 2: Buyer Behaviour in Consumer and Organisational Markets Lecture Objectives Buyer Behaviour Consumer Decision Making Process Characteristics of Organisational Buying
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Lecture 3: Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Lecture Objectives Segmentation-what/why/how? Target market strategies Positioning and re-positioning strategies
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Preface During the last 40 years, consumer choice has been trans velopment in the production, distribution and retailing of food improvements in the design and equipment of the domestic kitchen have facilitated a major change in our lifestyle. Perhaps the most striking development is the marketing of a wide and
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6.1网络营销概述 6.1.1网络营销基本概念 一、网络营销的定义 网络营销,英文为 Cybermarketing,或 Online marketing是在计算机网 络,特别是Internet技术和电子商务系统出现后所产生的新型营销方式。广义 地说,凡是借助 Internet、计算机通信和数字交互式媒体为主要手段,以整合 营销、直复营销、软营销理论为指导思想,为达到一定营销目标而进行的营销 活动,都可称之为网络营销
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案例 根据二手数据,家庭食物的替代品HMR将 会是下个世纪的主要家庭食品。HMR是一种便于 携带的、高质量的外卖食物,在食品行业中发展最 迅速,也最具商机。 NPD Group(位于华盛顿的 一家调研公司)最近报道说,1996年美国餐馆食 物的外卖销量有史以来第一次超过了餐馆内的就餐 销量(外卖销量在餐馆的总销量中占51%)。据 食品营销学会(Food Marketing Institute)去年 的一项研究显示,38%的消费者说他们经常在家吃 外卖的现成食物。最近麦肯锡 McKinsey&Co.) 所做的一项研究认为,在1998年至005年之间 食品销售的所有增长几乎都来自食品服务,这种 服务可定义为食品至少是部分地在家外做好
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Why New Products Fail “ Over Championing” Overestimated demand Poor Design Poor Marketing execution High development Costs Strong Competitive Reaction C2000 Prentice Hall
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Objectives Work Performed by marketing channels Channel-Design Decisions Channel-Management Decisions Channel Dynamics
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Factors to Consider Before Going global Selecting Foreign Markets Foreign Market Entry Product Adaption for Global Marketing Management Organization of global Activities C2000 Prentice Hall
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Objectives Define Retailing Various Perspectives Impact Special Characteristics Concept of Strategic Planning Relate Marketing Concept to Retailing Total Retail Experience Customer Service Relationship Retailing
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Chapter 12 Management of Electronic Commerce Security The business world has taken this to heart when it has come to the Internet. Companies have ventured onto the Information Superhighway in increasing numbers to \reduce distribution and marketing costs, eliminate the middleman, increase efficiency, promote impulse transactions and streamline distribution to far-flung locales\as well as to \connect directly with consumers at home, streamline operations and internal
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