一、电解分析基础 fundament of electrolytic analysis 二、理论分解电压与析出电位 theoretical decomposition voltage and deposited potential 三、浓差极化与电化学极化 concentration polarization and electrochemical polarization
一、计算机对仪器分析发展的促进作用 improve to development of instruments analysis 二、计算机在仪器分析中的应用 application of computer in instruments analysis 三、网络中的仪器分析资源 resource of instruments analysis in internet
一、分子荧光与磷光产生过程 luminescence process of molecular fluorescence phosphorescence 二、激发光谱与荧光光谱 excitation spectrum and fluorescence spectrum 三、荧光的产生与分子结构关 系 relation between fluorescence and molecular structure 四、影响荧光强度的因素 factor influenced fluorescence