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文书处理 1、概述 2、发文处理 3、收文处理 4、立卷 5、归档、清退和销毁
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Means for Emphasis I A sentence pattern that It be stressed part who genera “正是”,“就是” Translation technique
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一、请示的概念 请示是“适用于向上级机关请求指示、批准”的公文
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一、被动性 二、针对性 三、权威性
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The relative clause Ⅰ. Connectives that which 1. Relative pronoun
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Yesterday, you interviewed two people for a job as Assistant manager in your office. Write two short letters, one to the person who got the job, and the other to the person who did not get it, telling them your decision. (Invent any details you need.)
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一、概念 经济活动分析报告是表述经济活动分析过程的一种书面报告。 二、特点 (1)分析性。 (2)总结性。 (3)指导性
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思考 假如没有课程计划表,我们班上课将呈现什么状况?
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Part I Paper Writing Section I. The composition of an Academic Paper I The title 1. Features: brief clear ② attractive noun phrase
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一、概述 二、函的结构和内容大 三、例文分析
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