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The lowpass filter H(u) has a cutoff frequency wc=205T rad/ sec. Thus, c(t)is r(t) where all terms with frequency above we are removed by the lowpass filter. The terms which are kept have kwol 205T rad /sec k|< 10.25, so the output, ac(t),is r(t)= To obtain n, we sample c(t) every T=5 10-3 seconds with an impulse train The sampling frequency is 400T=2 x maximum frequency in c(t). Therefore
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Problem set SolutioN Exercise for home study o&W8.35 (a) From the system diagram, we see that a(t)=a(t)cos(wet) Using the multiplication property ZGu)= o(X(u)* FT(cos wct)) FT of cos wt is two impulses with area T at +wc. Therefore, Z(w)is the spectrum
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第一节检查方法 一、X线平片 1 传统的常用方法 2 常用位置 3 仰卧前后位 4 立位后前位 5 左右侧位
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在园艺植物的生产或试验中,普遍存在着变数之间 相互影响的关系,例如温度、湿度与萌芽率的关系,果 树产量与施肥量的关系,某种病、虫害的发生与某气候 因素的关系等等,所以在园艺植物的生产和科研中,所 需究的变数往往不只是一种,而是两种或两种以上, 为此必须介绍相关与回归的统计分析方法。 在科学研究中,变数(x)和变数(y)的相互关系存在 着两种类型,一种叫函数关系,另一种称之为相关关系
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Introduction X Focuses on the structure of programs that use RPC, and shows how program can be divided along procedure boundaries Introduces the stub procedure concept and a program generator tool that automates much of the code generation associated with ONC RPC
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一、解答下列各题(本大题共3小题,总计13分) 1、(本小题4分) 对函数f(x)= arctan在[0,1]上验证拉格朗日中值定理的正确性
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一、平面简谐波波动方程 简谐波:如果波源和介质中的各质点都持续地作简谐振动,这种波称为简 谐波。 平面简谐波:波面为平面的简谐波。平面简谐波也称为一维简谐波,其表 达式也称波函数(wave function) 沿+x方向传播的一维简谐波(波速u,振动角频率为),假设媒质无吸收(质 元振幅均为A)
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What needed? to combine signals and/or to split them multiple ways up to 1000X1000 for WDM LANS three important characteristics Return Loss the amount of power that is reflected and thus lost Insertion LoSs the amount of signal lost in the total transit through the device Excess Loss additional loss of a device
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一、相对论时空结构 1、光锥---间隔分类的几何意义 再论间第一个事件时空坐标(0,0,0,0),第二个事件任意(x,y,zt 则 S2=2t2为空间间隔+y2+z2)r r=ct,s两事件用光信号联系
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一.第一类曲线积分的计算 1.计算下列第一型曲线积分: (1)J(x2+y2)ds,其中L是以(0.0,(2,0,(0,1为顶点的三角形
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