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Non est mora Longa(我不会用很长时间贺拉 斯)。人们是否读这本书,对我关系不大;但是,如果要读, 就应当先读完,再提出任何异议。我既不愿意人家半听不听, 也不愿意让有成见的人来评判。为了了解我,就必须放弃自 己最珍视的偏见:请你摘掉这块面纱一分钟吧,你将会惊讶 地发现,你认为从中汲取智慧的地方,正是一切灾祸和罪恶 之根源
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5.1.非简并定态微扰理论 5.2.简并情况下的微扰理论 5.3.氢原子的一级斯塔克效应 5.4.变分法 5.5.氦原子基态(变分法) 5.6.与时间有关的微扰理论 5.7.跃迁几率 5.8.光的发射和吸收 5.9.选择定则
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黑格尔的《法哲学原理》是他任柏林大学教授的第三年(1821 年)出版的。据库诺·费舍报导,黑格尔自1818年到柏林大学任教以 后直到1831年死时,他总共讲授了《自然法与国家学或法哲学》六次, 自1821年后,即以出版的《法哲学》一书作为教本这是他晚年在 柏林任教期间所正式出版的唯一著作。此外他在这期间所发表的都只 是一些短篇的论文,而他的许多重要的哲学讲演录,都是他死后才由 门人整理出版的
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1、磁棒插入或抽出线圈时,线圈中产生感生电流; 2、通有电流的线圈替代上述磁棒,线圈中产生感生电流; 3、两个位置固定的相互靠近的线圈,当其中一个线圈上电流发生变化时,也会在另一个线圈内引起电流
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1.1 计算机应用与工程问题 1.2 工程问题的解决方式 1.3 计算机仿真和辅助设计的基本概念 1.4 仿真的分类 1.5 仿真技术的应用与发展 1.6 计算机仿真软件
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一、铅蓄电池与再生铅行业发展现状 二、环保现状与存在问题 三、目标 四、铅蓄电池相关环保政策、法规、标准 五、铅污染防治对策 六、亟待研究解决的问题 七、环保政策对铅产业的影响 八、铅蓄电池行业发展趋势
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第一节电子政务的概念 第二节电子政务的产生与发展 第三节电子政务模式类型与应用 第四节电子政务系统的结构 第五节电子政务系统的建设
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Managing innovation is a necessary skill for senior management of all food companies producing new raw materials, new ingredients or new consumer products. Company growth and even survival depends on the introduction of successful new products into old and new markets. The dividing line between product success and failure depends on many factors, but the most important are new product qualities, skills and resources of the company, market and marketing proficiency, and an organised product development process
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abilities for pd manas alysis23-4,128-30 activities 20. 95.144-6 ive 74-5 commercialisation 119-23. 322-4 and operational 71-6 337-8,342-3 consumer and industrial products apple product development 317, 319-26 318-9 design and process development assessment tool and methodology(ATM) 112-14,322,336-7,341-2
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Best practice in product development is a dynamic target. Not only are new practices being developed and refined but the differences in organisations demand the tailored application of these practices. There are eight basic companies, all projects and at all times. But the company philosoph knowledge, skills and assets change; and these changes cause changes in the types of product innovations and the activities in product development Successful companies recognise that product development is an important strategic issue that demands constant attention. There is a need to evaluate the product development performance and the product development success rate
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