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MATLAB程序设计 一、M文件 二、程序控制结构 三、函数文件 四、程序举例 五、程序调试
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采用低能耗的终端过滤方式进行陶瓷膜法海水淡化预处理,比较了“絮凝沉降+陶瓷 膜”和“砂滤±陶瓷膜”两种预处理工艺.前者延长了膜再生周期,其陶瓷膜的平均渗透通量是 后者的1.6倍达到220L/(m2+),产水回收率大于90%经陶瓷膜预处理后的产水水质稳 定达到反渗透膜的进水水质要求结果表明,“絮凝沉降+陶瓷膜”预处理工艺明显优于“砂 滤+陶瓷膜”预处理工艺
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向量组A:a1,a2,am线性相关的充要条件是矩阵A=(a12,…,am) 的秩小于向量的个数m;
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一、矩阵的秩的概念 定义:在mn矩阵A中,任取k行k列(k≤m,k≤n), 位于这些行列交叉处的k2个元素,不改变它们在A中所处 的位置次序而得的k阶行列式,称为矩阵A的k阶子式 显然,mxn矩阵A的k阶子式共有C个
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Uint I. Basic listening Practice 1. Script M: Third World countries must improve their economies if they want to raise their W: But how can they do that when developed countries control world trade? Q: Which of the following is true?
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7.3阻尼振动和受迫振动 一.阻尼振动 1.阻尼力f=-μx 2.振动的微分方程(以弹簧振子为例) 阻尼系数:2n=μm
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unit 9 Here are the seasons to be jolly I. Basic listening practice the holidays people celebrate, Christmas, Easter, Mother's Day . which are the most important to you? M: Christmas and easter, because they mark events in Jesus Christ's life: his birth and
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Uint 8 I. Basic listening practice M: Scentists claim the world population has 99.5% of the same DNA w: But this doesnt tell us there is no such thing as race Q: What is true of the dna of difference races? 2. Script w: With the advent of the genetic map we know where everything is, but do we know
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