文档格式:PPT 文档大小:77.5KB 文档页数:29
Objectives Focus Warming up 14.1 Selling and buying 14.2 The sales process 14.3 Selling your own product 14.4 Negotiation on the phone 14.5 Getting it right in negotiations 14.6 Negotiation an international deal Sum up Assignments
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:100.5KB 文档页数:20
1 What do I have to do? (1)Background information (2)phrases and sentences
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:239KB 文档页数:37
In this part, you’ll Learn about the “4Ps” and “4Cs” of marketing. Look at some familiar products and how they are marketed Promote a product with what you learned about marketing
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:156KB 文档页数:41
Objectives Focus Warming up 6.1 Exchanging information 6.2 Making enquiries 6.3 Answering enquiries 6.4 Placing and filling orders Sum-up Assignment
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Objectives Focus Warming up 4.1 Summarizing a conversation 4.2 Using notes to write a report 4.3 Planning and editing a report Sum-up Assignment
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Objectives Focus Warming up 2.1 Communicating in writing 2.2 Names and addresses 2.3 Layout and style 2.4 Thinking about your reader 2.5 Sending messages Sum-up Assignment
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Objectives Focus Warm up 1.1 First Impressions 1.3 What do you enjoy about your work 1.5 Developing relationships Sum-up Assignment
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文档格式:PDF 文档大小:380.62KB 文档页数:18
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