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To create effective parts/whole or process graphics 1. Show the reader what s/he needs to see. Choose appropriate type of graphic For example, what is the difference between a photo and a drawing?
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Experiment Step Experiment produces \raw data? In measured units(volts, seconds, Ibs, .... Organization determined by recording method (notebook, tabular form, database,....) · Take data early to check-out- experiment Do some \quick data reduction/analysis\ during
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Variables   Independent Variable: a quantity that you will vary and control E. G. angle of attack, chamber pressure or temperature, coefficient in algorithm, luminosity, gain O Parameter: a quantity that is set or otherwise determined
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BASIS FOR MEASUREMENT Whatever exists, exists in some amount Our goals: Measure the appropriate quantity, Measure with the appropriate accuracy, to allow us to assess our hypothesis Some questions:
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Topics Grading rubrics for written proposals Content Communication Grading distribution between content and communication Dealing with multiple graders Division of work within teams
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Progress reports are essential Often part of Provide precise scheduled deliverables technical description Maintain contact with of work as project funding Sources develops and/or industry partners, and changes
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TODAY'S TOPICS Status check, photo opportunity Course goal and course learning objectives Some comments on the research process The research“catechism” The 16.62x cycle (16.62x Syllabus) Our thoughts on progress and achievement
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壹 瓷器的造型美 贰 瓷器的的色泽美 叁 瓷器的纹饰美 肆 瓷器的特性美
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一、 园林树木的形态美 二、 园林树木的色彩美 三、观赏树木的芳香美 四、观赏树木的动态美 五、 园林树木的意境美
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柏拉图“美本身”问题的提出 标志美学思考的开始 柏拉图区分了“美本身”和美的事物。 般人在回答什么是美的问题时,只是列 举美的事物,如美的小姐、美的母马、 美的竖琴、美的汤罐之类,而没有涉及 到“美本身”。“美本身”是使这无数 的美的事物成为美的事物的根据,是无 数美的事物共有的本质
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