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Chapter 17 Heat and the First Law of Thermodynamics 1. Heat and Energy Transfer, Internal Energy and Specific Heat 2. The First Law of Thermodynamics 3. Applying ist Law of Thermodynamics Molar Specific Heats for Gases, and the Equipartition of Energy Adiabatic Expansion of a Gas
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➢ Introduction to quantum many-body approaches and the unsettled ➢ Renormalization, vacuum, dark energy? ➢ Real puzzle of symmetry energy or mal-definition? ➢ Symmetry energy and quarks & hyperons ➢ In neutron stars, effect of dark matter? ➢ Concluding remarks
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§3.1 动量定理 (theorem of momemtum) §3.2 火箭飞行原理 §3.3 质心 质心运动定理 §3.4 质点的角动量(动量矩)定理 §3-5 功和功率(Work and Energy) §3-6 动能定理 势能 (kinetic energy theorem) kinetic energy theorem) §3-7 功能原理 机械能守恒定律 机械能守恒定律 §3-8 碰 撞(collision) collision)
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§4.1 动能定理(Theorem of Kinetic Energy) §4.2 保守力 (Conservative Force) §4.3 势能 (Potential Energy) §4.4 机械能守恒定律 (The Law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy)
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1.1 The Definition of Metabolism The highly integrated network of chemical transformations. Degradation (decreasing order, thus energy releasing) to provide energy, catabolism; Synthesis (increasing order, thus energy consuming) to provide building materials, anabolism
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Earth's Internal Structure When a meteorite impacts a planet or moon, its energy of motion (called kinetic energy)is transformed into heat energy. As Earth grew larger and larger from continual impacts, its temperature increased. Radioactive decay of materials like uranium, thorium and potassium also added heat
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Work Kinetic-Energy Theorem: (Net Work done on object] change in kinetic energy of object
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Homework 6: due after midterm week Chapter 6: Work and Energy Definition of work Work-kinetic energy theorem
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The generation of metabolic energy is a major activity of all cells, and two cytoplasmic organelles are specifically devoted to energy metabolism and the production of ATP. Mitochondria are responsible for generating most of the useful energy from the breakdown of lipids and carbohydrates, and chloroplasts
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yielding metabolism in aerobic organisms. All oxi￾dative steps in the degradation of carbohydrates, fats, and amino acids converge at this final stage of cellular respiration, in which the energy of oxidation drives the synthesis of ATP. Photophosphorylation is the means by which photosynthetic organisms capture the energy of sunlight—the ultimate source of energy in the bio￾sphere—and harness it to make ATP. Together
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