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Public Finance Defined Public finance is about the taxing and spending activities of the government. Also known as \public sector economics\or \public economics.\ Focus is on microeconomic functions of government- polices that affect overall unemployment or price levels are left for macroeconomics
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PART I An Economic Overview of Corporate Institutions PART II Corporate Financing and Agency Costs PART III Exit and Voice: Passive and Active Monitoring PART IV Security Design: The Control Right View PART V Security Design: The Demand Side View PART VI Macroeconomic Implications and the Political Economy of Corporate Finance
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 How Startup Goes from Idea to IPO?  Entrepreneurial Finance in China  How to Raise Money for Your Startup
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Chapter 2 Instruments of IS ◼ 2.1 An Overview of Negotiable Instruments ◼ 2.2 Bill of Exchange/Draft ◼ 2.3 Promissory Note ◼ 2.4 Check Chapter 3 Remittance ◼ 3.1 Outline of Remittance ◼ 3.2 Procedure for Remittance ◼ 3.3 Application of Remittance Chapter 4 Collection ◼ 4.1 An Overview of Collection ◼ 4.2 Documentary Collection Practice ◼ 4.3 Risk Protection and Financing under Collection Chapter 5 Letter of credit ◼ 5.1 An Overview of L/C ◼ 5.2 Procedures of L/C ◼ 5.3 Types of credit ◼ 5.4 Key Issues under L/C Chapter 6 Documents ◼ 6.1 Commercial documents ◼ 6.2 Transport documents ◼ 6.3 Insurance documents ◼ 6.4 official documents ◼ 6.5 Documents examinations and disposal of discrepancies Chapter 7 International Trade Finance ◼ 7.1 Facilities on Import & Export Finance ◼ 7.2 Forfeiting ◼ 7.3 International Factoring Chapter 8 Bank’s Letter of Guarantee ◼ 8.1 Concepts of L/G ◼ 8.2 Parties to an L/G ◼ 8.3 Types of L/G ◼ 8.4 Contents of L/G
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International Business finance Exchange Rate: the price of one currency in terms of another
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Signaling games are used to model the following situation: Player 1, the Sender, receives some private information and sends a message m E M to Player 2, the Receiver. The latter, in turn, observes m but not 0, and chooses response r E R. Players'payoffs depend on 0, m and r. What could be simpler? Yet, there is a huge number of economically interesting games that fit nicely within this framework: Spence's job market signaling model is the leading example, but applications abound in IO (limit pricing, disclosure...) finance (security design) and political economics
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目录 第1章 货币银行基础 第2章 国际金融市 第3章 外汇汇率与汇率制度 第4章 国际结算中的票据 第5章 国际结算业务
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第二章国际金融市场 学习目标: 1、认识国际金融市场的产生与发展 2、了解国际金融市场的分类; 3、熟悉国际金融市场的业务构成; 4、掌握传统国际金融市场与新型国际金融市场的区别 5、了解金融创新及其趋势
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第七章国际金融衍生产品及其业务 学习目的: 1、了解金融衍生产品及其市场的涵义; 2、熟悉金融衍生产品的种类与基本特点; 3、掌握外汇期货交易的操作手段和程序; 4、掌握外汇期权交易的操作手段和程序 5、熟悉金融互换业务的操作手段和程序; 6、了解其他衍生金融工具的交易方式
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第九章外汇风险及其管理 学习目的: 1、掌握外汇风险的概念和分类; 2、了解外汇风险的测量和预测; 3、熟悉外汇经济风险的管理; 4、掌握外汇交易风险的管理及其各种方法 5、了解外汇会计风险的管理
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