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Medical Genetics What is a population from a genetic perspective? A population in the genetic sense, is not just a group of individuals, but a breeding group
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Part 1 Early Recognition and Diagnosis Chapter 1 Early Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorders Part 2 Nosology and Diagnostic Criteria: Chapter 2 Pervasive Developmental Disorder- not Otherwise Specified: Specifying and Differentiating Koray Karabekiroglu Chapter 3 Autism and Genetic Syndromes Willem Verhoeven, Jos Egger and Ilse Feenstra Part 3 Genetics and Pathophysiology of Autism Spectrum Disorders Chapter 4 The Genetics of Autism Spectrum Disorders Chapter 5 Genetic Heterogeneity of Autism Spectrum Disorders Catherine Croft Swanwick, Chapter 6 The Genetic Basis of Phenotypic Diversity: Autism as an Extreme Chapter 7 A New Genetic Mechanism for Autism Chapter 8 Common Genetic Etiologies and Biological Pathways Shared Between Autism Spectrum Disorders and Intellectual Disabilities Part 4 Treatment and Genetic Counseling Chapter 9 Microgenetic Approach to Therapy of Girls with ASD Chapter 10 Genetic Counseling in Autistic Phenotypes
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第一节遗传学研究的对象和任务 一、什么是遗传学(genetics)? 二、研究生物的遗传和变异的科学 三、生物植物、动物、微生物和人类 0.1 A brief overview of the modern history of genetics 0.2 The three general areas of genetics 0.3 遗传学在国民经济中的作用
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《医学遗传学 Medical Genetics》课程PPT教学课件(英文版)the Basis of Genetics
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《医学遗传学 Medical Genetics》课程PPT教学课件(英文版)Population Genetics
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8.1 Mutations and Mutants 8.2 Genetic Recombination 8.3 Genetic Transformation 8.4 Transduction 8.5 Conjugation 8.6 Plasmids 8.7 Transposons and Insertion Sequences 8.8 Comparative Prokaryotic Genomics 8.9 Genetics in Eukaryotic Microorganisms
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◼ 前言 ◼ 医学遗传学的基本概念 ◼ 遗传病 ◼ 医学遗传学课程在医学教育中的地位
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Medical genetics Mutations(changes) in the mitochondrial chromosome are responsible for a number of disorders
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Medical genetics 2. Inborn errors of metabolism Inborn errors of metabolism are are genetic disorders in which the body cannot turn food into energy (metabolize food) normally. The disorders are usually caused by defects in the enzymes involved in the biochemical pathways that break down food components
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Microbial molecular biology and genetics A clone: a population of cells that are derived asexually from a parental cell and are genetically identical. Genome: all the genes present in cell or virus. Central dogma:dna→rna→ protein transcription translation
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