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Additional copies of the Guidebook for the Preparation of haccP plans and the generic hAcCP Models are available from U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service(FSIS) Office of Policy, Program Development and Evaluation(OPPDE) Inspection Systems Development Division Room 202, Cotton Annex Building
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第一节 HACCP的产生与发展过程 第二节 HACCP原则的主要内容 第三节 HACCP原则的应用程序 第四节 HACCP的优缺点与发展趋势 第五节 水产品加工质量管理规范
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USDA Generic HACCP Model for not United states Department of griculture Heat Treated Food Safety and Inspection Shelf stable Service
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HACCP-An Introduction to the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point System I. Introduction The acronym HACCP, which stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point, is one which evokes 'food safety'. Originally
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案例一 熟肉制品HACCP 案例二 超高温灭菌奶HACCP 案例三 水产品HACCP 案例四 果汁和果汁饮料HACCP
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USDA Generic HACCP Model for pork United states Department of griculture Slaughter Food Safety and Inspection Service
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The Meaning of HACCP Hazard x RisK A HAcc History of the HACCP System Traditional Inspection HACCP System
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USDA Generic HACCP Model for raw United states Department of griculture Ground meat Food Safety and Inspection Service and Poultry
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USDA Generic HACCP Model for United states Department of griculture Irradiated raw Food Safety and Inspection
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·第一节前言 ·第二节预测微生物学的模型 ·第三节预测模型和 HACCP ·第四节预测模型在 HACCP系统中的应用 ·第五节结论
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