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Chapter Microorganisms and Microbiology From very small virus and Bacteria to large parasites
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厚壁菌门,柔膜菌门和放线菌 18.1 Nonsporulating Firmicutes 18.2 Endospore-Forming Firmicutes 18.3 Mollicutes: The Mycoplasmas 18.4 Actinobacteria: Coryneform and Propionic Acid Bacteria 18.5 Actinobacteria: Mycobacterium 18.6 Filamentous Actinobacteria: Streptomyces and Relatives 18.7 Cyanobacteria 蓝细菌 18.8 Prochlorophytes 原绿生物 18.9 The Chlamydia 衣原体 The Planctomycetes 浮霉菌门 18.10 Planctomyces: A Phylogenetically Unique Bacterium 疣微菌门 18.11 Verrucomicrobium and Prosthecobacter疣微菌属和突柄杆菌属 18.12 Bacteroides and Flavobacterium 18.13 Acidobacteria 酸杆菌 The Cytophaga Group 噬纤维菌 18.14 Cytophaga and Relatives 18.15 Chlorobium and Other Green Sulfur Bacteria 绿硫杆菌属等绿色硫细菌 18.16 Spirochetes螺旋体 18.17 Deinococcus and Thermus Hyperthermophilic Bacteria 18.19 Thermotoga and Thermodesulfobacterium 18.20 Aquifex, Thermocrinis, and Relatives Chen Feng, Microbiology, SJTU 18.20 Aquifex, Thermocrinis, and Relatives 18.21 Nitrospira and Deferribacter
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Lecture 2 1.5 The Historical Roots of Microbiology 1.6 Microbial Diversity and the Advent ofMolecular Microbiology 2.1 Elements of Cell and Viral Structure 2.2 Arrangement of DNA in Microbial Cells 2.3 The Tree of Life
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上海交通大学:《微生物学 Microbiology》课程教学资源(双语课件)Lecture 1 Microorganisms & Microbiology
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Microorganisms are the most diversified and interesting to study. Microbiology is one of the most active and promising field in life sciences. I will try to integrate the most classical and basic ideas theories and concepts with the most recent advances in microbiology, which are so exciting and full of fun to know about
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Section A six nutritional elements of microbes (微生物的六类营养要素) Section B Nutritional type of microbe Section C How the nutrients enter into the cell (营养物质进入细胞的方式) Section D Medium(培养基)
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亚病毒:凡在核酸和蛋白质两种成分种,只含有 其中之一的分子病原体,称为亚病毒。该名词最 早是由Lwoff提出(1981年)。 有三类: 类病毒、拟病毒、朊病毒
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山东农业大学:《微生物学 MICROBIOLOGY》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第二章 真核微生物的形态、构造和功能 第三节 霉菌
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