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I. Personal Interests VS Organizational Interests个人利益与集体利益 II. Personal Interests VS Organizational& National Interests个人利益与集体和国家利益 IlI Communication Skills交际练习
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Imperfect Competition & Market Power Characteristics of Oligopoly Collusion vs. Competition Kinked Demand Curve Model Game Theory Characteristics of Monopolistic Competition Profits and Losses of the Monopolistic Firm Long-Run Equilibrium of Monopolistic Competitive Market Monopolistic vs. Perfect Competition Comparison and Contrast between Four Types of Market Structure Standards Wars
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Introduction to Heterogeneous Parallel Computing CUDA C vs. CUDA Libs vs. OpenACC Memory Allocation and Data Movement API Functions Data Parallelism and Threads
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(1)Q 点; (2)电压增益 AV1=Vo1/Vs 和 AV2=Vo2/Vs; (3)输入电阻 Ri; (4)输出电阻 Ro1 和 Ro2
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7.1. Overall Structural Behavior of VS 7.2. Shear Wall Subsystem 7.3. Shaft (Tube) Subsystem 7.4. Rigid Frame Subsystem
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7.1. Overall Structural Behavior of VS 7.2. Shear Wall Subsystem 7.3. Shaft (Tube) Subsystem 7.4. Rigid Frame Subsystem
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延安大学:《翻译理论与实践》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,英译汉)Translation:Theory and Practice 第八章 Positive vs. Negative Expressions(Affirmation vs. Negation)
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利用自制外控电位浮选槽研究了矿物粒度、矿浆pH值、外控电位大小等因素对黄铜矿和辉钼矿浮选行为的影响, 从而找到二者分离的条件并进行了铜钼混合精矿的外控电位浮选分离, 采用循环伏安测试和腐蚀电偶测试验证了上述试验结论. 研究结果表明, -150+31 μm的黄铜矿受外控电位影响大, 容易被抑制, 而辉钼矿则不容易被抑制. -31 μm的黄铜矿和辉钼矿可浮性均较差, 受外控电位影响较小. 外控电位浮选在碱性条件下进行有利于实现抑铜浮钼. 在pH值11的条件下, 抑铜浮钼的最佳分离外控电位为-1100~-700 mV(vs Ag/AgCl). 在pH值为11、外控电位-800 mV(vs Ag/AgCl)的条件下对多宝山铜钼混合精矿进行浮选分离, 经过一次浮选分离可得到钼回收率80.57%、铜回收率10.19%的钼粗精矿, 辉钼矿和黄铜矿的浮游差达到70.38%, 这使外控还原电位下浮选分离黄铜矿和辉钼矿成为可能. 另外, 腐蚀电偶测试结果表明: 黄铜矿和辉钼矿间的电偶腐蚀对于抑铜浮钼浮选有促进作用
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• Encodings – Unsigned and two’s complement • Conversions – Signed vs. unsigned – Long vs. short • Suggested reading
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⚫ To know what is exception and what is exception handling (§15.2). ⚫ To distinguish exception types: Error (fatal) vs. Exception (non￾fatal), and checked vs. uncheck exceptions (§15.2). ⚫ To declare exceptions in the method header (§15.3). ⚫ To throw exceptions out of a method (§15.3). ⚫ To write a try-catch block to handle exceptions (§15.3). ⚫ To explain how an exception is propagated (§15.3). ⚫ To rethrow exceptions in a try-catch block (§15.4). ⚫ To use the finally clause in a try-catch block (§15.5). ⚫ To know when to use exceptions (§15.6). ⚫ To declare custom exception classes (§15.7 Optional). ⚫ To apply assertions to help ensure program correctness (§15.8)
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