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1 频率响应及其描述 2 典型环节的频率响应
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1 绪论 2 开环控制和闭环控制 3 控制系统的类型 4 控制系统的组成与对控制系统的基本要求
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Second order systems systems described by a second order differential equation Second order systems contain two kinds of energy storage elements: Lump mass and spring
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2.1 Modeling of physical systems Model of system-the relationship between variables in system Differential Equation (mathematic model) (parameter model) · Block Diagram and Transfer
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5.5 稳定裕度 5.5.1 稳定裕度的定义 5.5.2 稳定裕度的计算
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5.3.1 典型环节的Bode图 ⑴ 比例环节 ⑵ 微分环节 ⑶ 积分环节 ⑷ 惯性环节
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西北工业大学自动化学院:《自动控制原理》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第19讲 幅相频率特性(Nyquist图)
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4.4 利用根轨迹分析系统性能 第四章小结
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3.6 线性系统的稳态误差 3.7 线性系统时域校正
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