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《语言学与翻译》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,Part 1)Unit 3 Pragmatics
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Language Linguistics
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01 Centrality 02 Friendship paradox 03 Math proof and Simulation 04 Analysis of Harvard experiment
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复旦大学:《网络科学导论 Introduction to Network Science》教学成果_学生翻转课堂展示3 Magical Social Network
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复旦大学:《网络科学导论 Introduction to Network Science》教学成果_学生翻转课堂展示2 Introduction To Immunization Strategy
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《语言学与翻译》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,Part 2)Unit 4 politeness principlie and translation
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《语言学与翻译》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,Part 3)Unit 3 More than a way with words:The interface between Cognitive Linguistics and Cognitive Translatology
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IntroductionImplications of Cognitive Linguistics for Translation Theory Implications of Cognitive Linguistics for Translation Studies methodologyImplications of Cognitive Linguistics for TS epistemologyConcluding remarks
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1. Introduction & background information 2. Translation and linguistics 3. Cognitive linguistics and translation 4. Relevant questions & answers
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1. Introduction 3. The Pragmatic Role of the Notion of ‘Translation’ 2. Basics of Relevance Theory 4. Context-Based Problems in Translation 5. Conclusion
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