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周期序列的DFS及性质 离散傅里叶变换(DFT)及性质 DFT的快速算法(FFT) DFT/FFT的应用
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一、数字直接控制器定义 直接数字控制器DDC(Driect Digital Controller)又称下位机所有的控制逻辑均由微信号处理器,并以各控制器为基础完成
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1、小波的特点和发展 2、小波分析在一维信号处理中的应用 3、小波分析在图象分析中的应用 图象特征抽取 图象压缩 数据隐藏和图象水印
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数字式传感器能把被测的模拟量直接转换成数字量。 与模拟传感器相比的特点是抗干扰能力强稳定性强;易 于微机接口便于信号处理和实现自动化测量
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◆7.0 Introduction ◆7.1 Design of Discrete-Time IIR Filters From Continuous-Time Filters ◆7.2 Design of FIR Filters by Windowing ◆7.3 Examples of FIR Filters Design by the Kaiser Window Method ◆7.4 Optimum Approximations of FIR Filters ◆7.5 Examples of FIR Equiripple Approximation ◆7.6 Comments on IIR and FIR Discrete-Time Filters
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1.双正交小波 前面我们构造的 Daubechies小波,除了Haar外,它们都没有对称性。对称性和线性位相是直接相联系的,后者是信号处理等问题所需要的
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§2 超声多普勒系统的一般特性 §3 连续多普勒系统 §4 脉冲超声多普勒系统 §5 多普勒成像技术 §1 A型显示原理和仪器结构 §2 发射器 §3 脉冲回声信号处理的基本过程 §4 基本辅助电路 §5 A型超声诊断仪系统分析
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2.0 Introduction 2.1 Discrete-Time Signals: Sequences 2.2 Discrete-Time Systems 2.3 Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems 2.4 Properties of LTI Systems 2.5 Linear Constant-Coefficient Difference Equations 2.6 Frequency-Domain Representation of Discrete-Time Signals and systems 2.7 Representation of Sequences by Fourier Transforms 2.8 Symmetry Properties of the Fourier Transform 2.9 Fourier Transform Theorems 2.10 Discrete-Time Random Signals 2.11 Summary
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◆8.0 Introduction ◆8.1 Representation of Periodic Sequence: the Discrete Fourier Series ◆8.2 Properties of the Discrete Fourier Series ◆8.3 The Fourier Transform of Periodic Signal ◆8.4 Sampling the Fourier Transform ◆8.5 Fourier Representation of Finite-Duration Sequence: the Discrete Fourier Transform ◆8.6 Properties of the Discrete Fourier Transform ◆8.7 Linear Convolution using the Discrete Fourier Transform ◆8.8 the discrete cosine transform (DCT)
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