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the standard theory of co.apters 1 and 2 when we covered Modigliani-Miller As we discussed in the Ch apital structure that has been the mainstay of text- books is the trade-off theory This argues that the benefit of debt is the tax shield and the cost is the deadweight costs of bankruptcy. The tradi tional view was that these deadweight
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一、成本的概念 1、厂商的生产成本:生产一定产量时所支付的费用。取决于两个基本因素:产量Q和各种生产要素的价格P 2、生产成本=经济成本=隐成本+显成本 显成本(Explicit Cost):会计学的成本,指厂商在生产要素市场上购买或租用所需要的生产要素的实际支出
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1.财政职能 1.1政府与市场 1.1.1市场失灵( market failure)第一类市场失灵 不完全竞争市场在资源配置中缺乏效率 (1)垄断( monopoly) (2)信息不充分(incomplete information) (3)外部效应(externalities (4)公共物品(public goods) (5)交易成本(transaction cost)
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1404. cost n.值,价值,成本 147. hardly ad.几乎不,未必 1405. degrade v.降低,减少,递降 1448. placement n.布局 1406. suggestion D.暗示,提醒 1449. think 考虑,以为,判断
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例求下类平面曲线的弧长 1.曲线y=n(-x2)相应于0sx≤的一段 2.心形线r=a(1+cos)的全长(a>0) 3.摆线{x=1-cost0sts2的一
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一、填空题(本大题共6小题,每小题4分,总计24分) 1. f()=e\cost L[f()]= 2.=+4将乙平面上|<2变为w平面上的 学号 3.f()=ze()在何处可导 4.i= 5.F()=n(o)则f(t)= 6.f(=)=u+iv为解析函数,u-v=x3+3x2y-xy2-y3为解析函数,则v=
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第三节曲线的曲率与挠率 第十讲曲线的曲率与挠率 课后作业: 阅读:第三章第三节曲线的曲率与挠率pp87-94 预习:第三章第四节在天体力学中的应用p.94-96 作业: 1.在下列曲线的曲率k和挠 (1) F=(acht, asht, at): 2)F=(-sint, 1-cost, 1) (3)F=( t sInt, t cos t,an)(圆锥曲线) (4)F=(r2x2)
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Approaches to Asymmetric Catalysis Organometallic catalysis Broad scope Ligand control Inert conditions -Cost and toxicity Bioorganic catalysis Highly selective High rate of reaction Limited scope
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ENGINEERING ECONOMICS ESTIMATING THE PROFITABILITY OF A CHEMICAL PLANT Estimating Investment Estimating Cost of Production Profitability Evaluation Return on Investment (ROD) Payout time(Tpay) DCF Rate of Return(DCFROR) Transfer Price
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ENGINEERING ECONOMICS ESTIMATING THE PROFITABILITY OF A CHEMICAL PLANT Estimating Investment Estimating Cost of Production Profitability Evaluation Return on Investment (ROD) Payout time(Tpay) DCF Rate of Return(DCFROR) Transfer Price
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