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1. 熟悉配位化合物的基本概念、组成和命名; 2. 熟悉配位化合物的价键理论,会进行一般配离子结构判断和磁性计算; 3. 理解晶体场理论的要点,弄清八面体场、四面体场和平面四边形场中 d 轨道的分裂;理解分裂能和晶体场稳定化能概念; 4. 了解配位化合物顺反异构和旋光异构概念,初步学会上述两种异构体的判断; 5. 熟悉配位实体热力学稳定性中的有关概念。 7.1 相关的定义和命名 The relating definitions and nomenclature 7.2 配合物的化学键理论 Chemical bond theory of coordination compound 7.3 配位化合物的异构现象 Isomerism of coordination compound 7.4 配位实体的热力学稳定性 Thermodynamic stability of the coordination entity 7.5 配位实体的某些动力学问题 Some kinetic questions of the coordination entity
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The Theory of Economics does not furnish a body of settled conclusions immediately applicable to policy. It is a method rather than a doctrine. an apparatus of the mind, a technique of thinking which helps its possessor to draw correct conclusions John Maynard Keynes
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Contents Dominant strategy Nash equilibrium Prisoner's' dilemma and repeated games Multiple equilibria and sequential games Pure and mixed strategies
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Outline Introduction Pragmatics Principles underlying the implicature phenomenon Types of implicature Examples
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1.1 A Decision Tree Model and its Analysis 1.2 Another Decision Tree Model and it Analysis 1.3 The Need for a Systematic Theory of Probability 1.4 Exercises
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1.初步了解化学反应速率、速率方程、碰撞理论、过渡状态理论和活化能概念;2.理解并会用浓度、温度、催化剂诸因素解释其对化学反应速率的影响;3.初步掌握阿仑尼乌斯公式的应用,会用其求算活化能及某温度下的反应速率;4.理解反应分子数和反应级数的概念,会进行基元反应有关的简单计算;5.初步掌握零级、一级和二级反应的特征。 4.1 化学反应的平均速率和 瞬 时速率 Average rate and instantaneous rate of chemical reaction 4.3 影响化学反应速率的因素 Influential factors on chemical reaction rate 4.2 反应速率理论简介 Brief introductory to reaction rate theory 4.4 化学反应机理及其研究方法 Chemical reaction mechanism and the study methods
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Plan for Today CAD Lecture(ca 50 min) CAD History, Background Some theory of geometrical representation SolidWorks Introduction(ca. 40 min) Follow along step-by-step Create CAD model of your part(ca. 90 min) Work in teams of two Use hand sketch as starting point
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君主政像一艘豪华的飞艇,它 会行驶的不错,直到有些晕晕忽忽 的船长使之触礁为止;而民主政休, 则像一个木筏。它永远不会沉没, 但是,它是浸在水里的,你的脚总 是湿的
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6.2点运算 6.2.1点运算的概念 6.2.2直方图的概念 6.3图像间算术与逻辑运算
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