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细胞代谢包括物质代谢和能量代谢。细胞代谢是一个完整统一 的网络,并且存在复杂的调节机制,这些调节机制都是在基 因表达产物(蛋白质或RNA)的作用下进行的。 重点:物质代谢途径的相互联系,酶活性的调节
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糖代谢可分为糖的分解与糖的合成 两个方面:糖的分解代谢包括糖酵解 糖的共同分解途径,三羧酸循环 , 糖的最后氧化的途径,磷酸戊糖途径 糖的直接氧化途径;糖的合成代谢 除光合暗反应—卡尔文循环外,还包 括糖异生—非糖物质形成糖的途径。 光合作用和糖异生形成的单糖,还可 进一步合成多糖。根据我们专业的要 求,重点介绍分解代谢
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process can occur spontaneously is that the entropy changes of chemical reactions are not readily measured. Furthermore, the criterion of sponta- neity given in equation 2 requires that both the entropy change of the surroundings and that of the system of interest be known. These difficul- ties are obviated by using different thermodynar function called the free energy, which is denoted by the symbol G (or F, in the older literature)
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This equation accounts for the kinetic data given in Figure 8-15.At very low substrate concentration, when [S] is much less than KM, V [s]Vmax/KMi that is, the rate is directly proportional to the substrate concentration At high substrate concentration, when [SI is much greater than KM, V=Vmax; that is, the rate is maximal, independent of substrate
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一、概述 环境化学物对于生物体的毒害或风险取决于: 1、物质的性质; 2、该物质在环境中的去向; 3、该物质在机体中的作用和行为
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•第一节 糖类化学 carbohydrates •第二节 脂类化学 •脂肪(真脂):甘油三酯(三酯酰甘油) •类脂 磷脂:含磷酸及有机碱的脂类 糖脂:含糖及有机碱的脂类 •类固醇 胆固醇及其酯 胆汁酸 类固醇激素 •脂类 (lipides) •第三节 氨基酸、多肽与蛋白质化学 •第四节 核酸化学 • DNA 遗传的物质基础 • 核酸 mRNA 作为Pr合成模板 • RNA tRNA 转运AA • rRNA 作为Pr合成场所
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1、辨别醛糖和酮糖,D型糖和L一型糖,吡喃糖和呋喃糖,α糖和β糖。 2、举例说明哪些糖互为同分异构体,旋光异构体,异头体,表构体(差向异构体),对映体? 3、辨别糖酸,糖醇,糖杀,糖苷,糖醛酸,糖胺和糖酯 3.理论上己醛糖可能有多少个立体异构体?有多少对映体?
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一、自然界中,化学物质的分解方式: 1、光分解:在紫外线具有吸收的化合物,吸收太阳光的短波而分解; 2、化学分解:在温度、pH、金属离子,土壤矿物的作用下而产生的化学分解;
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1. Hemoglobin is a multisubunit allosteric protein that carries 02 in erythrocyte. 1.1 Hemoglobin is a well-studied and well-understood protein. 1.1.1 It was one of the first proteins to have its molecular mass accurately determined. 1.1.2 The first protein to be characterized by ultracentrifuge. 1.1.3 The first protein to be associated with a specific physiological function
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1. General studies of the peptide bond 1.1 The peptide(O=C-N-H) bond was found to be shorter than the C-N bond in a simple amine and atoms attached are coplanar. 1.1.1 This was revealed by X-ray diffraction studies of amino acids and of simple dipeptides and tripeptides. 1.1.2 The peptide (amide) bond was found to be about 1.32 A (C-N single bond, 1.49; C= double bond, 1.27), thus having partial double bond feature (should be rigid and unable to rotate freely)
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