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◼ LC at the Phonological Level ◼ Research Method ◼ The Structure of Speech ◼ Perception of Isolated Speech Segments ◼ Perception of Continuous Speech ◼ Perception of Written Language ◼ LC at the Lexical Level ◼ Dimensions of Word knowledge ◼ Organization of the Internal Lexicon ◼ Models of Lexical Access ◼ Implications ◼ LC at the Sentence Level ◼ Comprehension of Sentence ◼ Sentence Memory For Sentences ◼ LC at the Discourse Level ◼ Comprehension of Discourse ◼ Memory for Discourse ◼ Educational Implications ◼ **Blending Theory and Discourse ◆ This analysis of language comprehension into four levels of processing is for convenience of exposition; it does not necessarily mean that we process language in a strictly serial manner
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西南大学:《系统功能语言学 Systemic Functional Linguistics》课程教学讲义_Part V Local Grammar Bibliography for local grammar
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西南大学:《系统功能语言学 Systemic Functional Linguistics》课程教学讲义_Part IV SFL and Language Education 13 Genre-based pedagogy & pedagogic discourse
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西南大学:《系统功能语言学 Systemic Functional Linguistics》课程教学讲义_Part II Above, Below and Beyond the Clause 11 Beyond the clause - Metaphorical modes of expression
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西南大学:《系统功能语言学 Systemic Functional Linguistics》课程教学讲义_Part II Above, Below and Beyond the Clause 09 Around the clause - Cohesion and discourse
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西南大学:《系统功能语言学 Systemic Functional Linguistics》课程教学讲义_Part II Above, Below and Beyond the Clause 07 Above the clause - The clause complex
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西南大学:《系统功能语言学 Systemic Functional Linguistics》课程教学讲义_Part I The clause 05 Clause as representation
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西南大学:《系统功能语言学 Systemic Functional Linguistics》课程教学讲义_Part I The clause 04A Chinese mood system
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西南大学:《系统功能语言学 Systemic Functional Linguistics》课程教学讲义_Part I The clause 03 Clause as message
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西南大学:《系统功能语言学 Systemic Functional Linguistics》课程教学讲义_Part I The clause 01 The architecture of language
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