Guessing a particular solution. Recall that a general linear recurrence has the form: f(n)=a1f(n-1)+a2f(n-2)+…+aaf(n-d)+g(n) As explained in lecture, one step in solving this recurrence is finding a particular solu- tion; i.e., a function f(n)that satisfies the recurrence, but may not be consistent with the boundary conditions. Here's a recipe to help you guess a particular solution:
11.1.1(单项选择题)甲、乙两人射击,A、B分别表示甲、乙两人射中目标则事件AB表示() A.两人都没射中 B.至少一人没射中 C.两人都射中 D.至少一人射中 (难度:A;水平:a) 11.1.2(单项选择题)设A与B是相互独立的事件,已知P(A)=,P(B)=,则P(A+B)=() A.1 B. C