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4.1 基本原理 4.2 化学位移 4.3 影响化学位移的因素 4.4 决定质子数目的方法 4.5 共振吸收峰(信号)的数目 4.6 自旋偶合与自旋裂分 4.7 辅助谱图分析的方法 4.8 谱图解析
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Later in the course we shall review various methods of designing frequency-selective filters satisfying prescribed specifications · We now describe several loworder- FIR and IIR digital filters with reasonable selective frequency responses that often are satisfactory in a number of applications Copyright 2001, S. K. Mitra
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Stability Condition in Terms of the Pole Locations A causal lti digital filter is BIBO stable if and only if its impulse response h[n] is absolutely summable, i.e
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An LtI discrete-time- system is completely characterized in the time-domain by its impulse response {h[n]} We consider now the use of the DTFT and the z-transform in developing the transform- domain representations of an Lti system Copyright 2001, S. K. Mitra
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DTFT Properties Using the differentiation property of the DTFT given in Table 3.2, we observe that the DTFT of nx[n] is given by
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Comb Filters The simple filters discussed so far are characterized either by single passband and/or a single stopband There are applications where filters with multiple passbands and stopbands are required The comb filter is an example of such filters Copyright 2001, S. K. Mitra
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①已知v(0-)=0输入信号 ve δ(t) 为u(t)和(t)求vc(t) 运算电路如右图。将电11001(1 压源转换成电流源
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一、白化滤波器及其物理可实现性 二、连续时间过程的均方滤波 三、离散时间过程的均方滤波
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一、连续时间情形的二阶矩性质 推论若输入过程X(t)是宽平稳过程,则输出过程Y(t)亦为宽平稳过程,且X(t)和Y(t)联合宽平稳
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一、随机变量的无记忆变换 二、随机向量的无记忆变换 三、随机过程的无记忆变换
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