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2003年9月全国大学英语四级考试真题和答案 Part I Listening Comprehension(20 minutes) Section a Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversation. At the end of each conversation, a lestion wilt be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only
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2002年6月全国大学英语四级考试真题和答案 Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked
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英语作文开头写法大全 一、用于驳性和比较性论文 1. In general, I don't agree with 2. In my opinion, this point of view doesn't hold water. 3. The chief reason why... is that... 4. There is no true that... 5. It is not true that... 6. It can be easily denied than.. 7. We have no reason to believe that
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Section I Structure and Vocabulary Part A Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked [A], [C]and [D]. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil. (5 points) Example
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80C51系列单片机有很强的外部扩展能力。 外部扩展可分为并行扩展和串行扩展两大形式。 早期的单片机应用系统以采用并行扩展为多, 近期的单片机应用系统以采用串行扩展为多。 外部扩展的器件可以有ROM、RAM、I/0口和 其他一些功能器件,扩展器件大多是一些常规芯 片,有典型的扩展应用电路,可根据规范化电路 来构成能满足要求的应用系统
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Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10 points) The idea that some groups of people may be more intelligent than others is one of those hypotheses that dare not speak its name. But Gregory
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Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank and mark [a],, [C] or [D] on ANSwER SHEET 1.(10 points) The homeless make up a growing percentage of America's population homelessness has reached such
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Section I Listening Comprehension Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English you will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are three parts in this section. Part A Part B and Part C
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本答案只可用做熟悉如何答题,可以根据答案进行修改,切记不可原文背诵 口语Part1范文: INTRODUCTION 1. Hello. Could you show me your identification card please? Hello. Sure, here you are 2. Could you tell me your full name please? My full name is XXX. I am also called by my English name, which is XXX
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第3章总线、中断与1/0系统 3.1输入输出系统概述 3.2总线设计 3.3中断系统 3.4通道处理机 3.5外围处理机
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