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he term\biological diversity\entered the part of the broader set of criteria and indicators for public vocabulary only about 15 years ago, sustainable forest management but its arrival signalled a new and more Conserving biological diversity is an ethical comprehensive approach to conservation, bringing imperative because all life has a right to exist, and er information, knowledge, awareness, humans should not knowingly cause any loss of ethics, forestry, protected areas
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interest in sustainable forest It concludes by suggesting how fiscal policies in anagement has grown, so ha as the the sector might be improved and offers importance of finding ways to finance it. Indeed, comments on the broader debate on financing one of the main points of agreement at various sustainable forest management. international meetings on forestry
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EXPLANATORY NOTES GENERAL lia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand and the United States, thestem Country/area nomenclature and regional groups used in the volume for all living trees has been used for the volume figure Some variation as to the minimum diameter applied is reported The country/area names and order used in these tables follow in ECE/FAO (2000) standard UN practice regarding
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典型案例MP3音乐侵权案 案情概况: 中国音乐著作权协会是众多音乐词曲作者组成的音乐著作权集体管理机构。2001年 6月,中国音乐著作权协会发现,北京伟地出版社出版发行了一张MP3音乐光盘的一 一《同一首歌MP3-100首》。其中使用了该协会70位会员的54首音乐作品,但 是却没有向这些作者支付使用费
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地下水是秦皇岛市的重要水源,多储存于第四纪松散地层及基岩裂隙中,主要类型 为孔隙潜水和岩溶裂隙水。按地形地貌及水文地质条件,主要分为两大水文地质区,即 基岩裂隙水岩溶水区和第四纪松散岩类孔隙水区
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一、墨家思想渊源与概况 (一)思想渊源 “昔禹之湮洪水决江河而通 四夷九州也禹亲自操稾耜( 音si)而九杂天下之川;腓无拔 ,胫无毛,沐甚雨,栉(zhi) 疾风,置万国。禹大圣也而形劳 天下也如此。”使后世之墨者, 多以裘褐为衣,以为服,日夜 不休,以自苦为极,曰:不能如 此,非禹之道也,不足为墨
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第一节专利文献概况 一、专利文献概念、特点 1、概念 实行专利制度的国家及国际性专利组织在审批专利过程中产生的官方文件及其出版物的总称。 2、出版规律 标准化连续出版物
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1地震工程学概述 1.1地震灾害简述 1.2地震工程学的发展概况 1.3地震工程学的研究内容 1.4地震工程学的特点 1.5地震工程学与相关学科的关系
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1.1液压传动的定义及发展概况 1.2液压传动的基本原理、组成及特点 1.3液压传动的工作介质
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1.1何为单片机 1.2单片机的特点 1.3单片机的种类 1.4单片微型计算机发展概况 1.5微计算机系统概念 1.6计算机中的数和编码(自学内容)
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