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12-2阶电路的零状态响应和全响应 一、零状态响应: 零状态网络u)0i()=0对外加激励产生的响应。 例3:t<0时电路处于稳态,求t≥0时的电感电流
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13-1拉普拉斯变换 一、拉普拉斯变换的定义(简称拉氏变换) 复数s=+jo
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Review Robot Kinematics Geometric Anal ysis x=f(0) of Differential analysis 0 Forward(direct)vs Inverse Kinematics problem Inverse Kinematics Problem(IKP
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Review Velocity, Acceleration and Static Analysis Mapping between Cartesian and joint space Linear transformation 0=t T Joint rate -+ Cartesian rate EE Wrench→→ Joint force/torque Rate anal ysis Static anal ysis
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Security valuation In general, the intrinsic value of an asset= the present value of the stream of expected cash flows discounted at an appropriate required rate of return
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1.周期信号f()=3cost+sin5t+-2cos8t 2π 画出单边幅度谱和相位谱 3 出双边幅度谱和相位谱
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1简单滞后环节 考虑一个简单的滞后项:s=1oT+1
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Introduction This lecture continues the analysis of normal-form games. We analyze general, non-zerosum games, emphasizing the informal\equation\: Rational Behavior+ Assumptions about Beliefs=Solution Concepts Before we tackle the new material, let us review what we have learned about zerosum
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一、填空题(每空1分,共10分) 1.100000,1《000000r0f010080c2,3;《,80;2.高低;3.低,并联使用; 4.Qn+1=D;5.0;6.施密特;
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一、问题的提出 把定积分的元素法推广到二重积分的应用中. 若要计算的某个量U对于闭区域D具有可加性 (即当闭区域D分成许多小闭区域时,所求量U相应 地分成许多部分量,且U等于部分量之和),并且 在闭区域D内任取一个直径很小的闭区域do时, 相应地部分量可近似地表示为f(x,y)do的形式, 其中(x,y)在do内.这个f(x,y)do称为所求量U 的微元,记为dU,所求量的积分表达式为
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