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5.9 级联TCM 5.10 Multilevel Codes and Multistage Decoding 5.11 Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation (BICM) with Iterative Decoding 5.13 Combined Coding and Shaping 5.14 Implementation Considerations and Application Examples
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The research on wireless communications has received many attentions. The underlying physical channels may be characterized as time-varying fading channels. In this chapter, we will study communications over fading channels from an information-theoretic point of view. Many state-of-the-art coding and modulation schemes, including space-time codes, will be introduced
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8.1 Introduction 8.2 MIMO System Model 8.3 Fundamental Capacity Limits of MIMO Channels 8.4 Capacity of MIMO Rayleigh Fading Channels (Random MIMO Channels) 8.5 Influence of Channel-State Information [Biglieri05] 8.6 Design of MIMO Systems
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Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Entropy & Mutual Information (Shannon’s measure of information) Chapter 3 The Asymptotic Equipartition Property (渐进等同分割性) Chapter 4 Entropy Rates of a Stochastic Process Chapter 5 Coding for Discrete Sources Chapter 6 Channel Capacity Chapter 7 The Gaussian Channel Chapter 8 Rate Distortion Theory Chapter 9 复习
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4.8.1 Definitions and Basic Concepts 4.8.2 Encoding of LDPC Codes 4.8.3 Decoding of LDPC codes 4.8.4 Density Evolution (Analysis of LDPC Codes on Symmetric Binary Input Channels) 4.8.6 Design and Construction of LDPC codes - Overview 4.8.8 Accumulator-Based LDPC Codes 4.8.9 Nonbinary LDPC codes 4.8.10 Performance Analysis of ML-Decoded LDPC Codes 4.8.11 More on Encoding 4.8.12 Applications of LDPC Codes
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实际信道中,大多数具有带通传输特性,必须用数字基带信号对载波进行调 制,产生各种已调数字信号。可以用数字基带信号改变正弦型载波的幅度、频率 或相位中的某个参数,产生相应的数字振幅调制、数字频率调制和数字相位调制。 也可以用数字基带信号同时改变正弦型载波幅度、频率或相位中的某几个参数 产生新型的数字调制
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一、二进制移相键控(2PSK) 正弦载波的相位随二进制数字基带信号离散变化,则产生二进制移相键控 (2PSK)信号。通常用已调信号载波的0和180分别表示1和0
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一、二进制数字调制信号的功率谱密度 a)2ASK信号的功率谱密度 若二进制基带信号s(t)的功率谱密度P(f)为
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分析二进制数字调制系统的抗噪声性能,也就是分析在信道等效加性高斯白 噪声的干扰下系统的误码性能,得出误码率与信噪比之间的数学关系。 在二进制数字调制系统抗噪声性能分析中,假设信道特性是恒参信道,在信 号的频带范围内其具有理想矩形的传输特性(可取传输系数为K)
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一、二进制移频键控(2FSK)系统的抗噪声性能 a)同步检测法的系统性能 带通 滤波器相乘器低通
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