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1. 耦合谐振腔微波滤波器的一般原理 2. K和J倒置变换器的实际实现 3. 微波谐振腔 4. 耦合谐振腔滤波器实例
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1. General Chebyshev函数和综合 1.1 General Chebyshev函数 1.2 General Chebyshev有理分式求解 1.3 General Chebyshev函数例子 2. 耦合矩阵求解 3.1 耦合矩阵的解析解法 3.2 耦合矩阵的优化解法 3.3 耦合矩阵的CAD解法
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5.1 编码调制的基本原理 5.2 Coding Gain and Shaping Gain 5.3 Lattice Constellations 5.4 Trellis-Coded Modulation (TCM) 5.5 Performance Evaluation of TCM 5.6 Lattice-Type Trellis Codes
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5.9 级联TCM 5.10 Multilevel Codes and Multistage Decoding 5.11 Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation (BICM) with Iterative Decoding 5.13 Combined Coding and Shaping 5.14 Implementation Considerations and Application Examples
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The research on wireless communications has received many attentions. The underlying physical channels may be characterized as time-varying fading channels. In this chapter, we will study communications over fading channels from an information-theoretic point of view. Many state-of-the-art coding and modulation schemes, including space-time codes, will be introduced
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Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Entropy & Mutual Information (Shannon’s measure of information) Chapter 3 The Asymptotic Equipartition Property (渐进等同分割性) Chapter 4 Entropy Rates of a Stochastic Process Chapter 5 Coding for Discrete Sources Chapter 6 Channel Capacity Chapter 7 The Gaussian Channel Chapter 8 Rate Distortion Theory Chapter 9 复习
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8.1 Introduction 8.2 MIMO System Model 8.3 Fundamental Capacity Limits of MIMO Channels 8.4 Capacity of MIMO Rayleigh Fading Channels (Random MIMO Channels) 8.5 Influence of Channel-State Information [Biglieri05] 8.6 Design of MIMO Systems
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实际信道中,大多数具有带通传输特性,必须用数字基带信号对载波进行调 制,产生各种已调数字信号。可以用数字基带信号改变正弦型载波的幅度、频率 或相位中的某个参数,产生相应的数字振幅调制、数字频率调制和数字相位调制。 也可以用数字基带信号同时改变正弦型载波幅度、频率或相位中的某几个参数 产生新型的数字调制
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一、二进制移相键控(2PSK) 正弦载波的相位随二进制数字基带信号离散变化,则产生二进制移相键控 (2PSK)信号。通常用已调信号载波的0和180分别表示1和0
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一、二进制数字调制信号的功率谱密度 a)2ASK信号的功率谱密度 若二进制基带信号s(t)的功率谱密度P(f)为
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